Renaissance Art Period
1400's to mid 1700's, the Renaissance was a European art style that origins from Florence, Italy in around 1420 because of the rich Medici family's social influence, patronizing and stimulating the arts of the time. Forcing it to change & spreading it. The Renaissance is regarded as the cultural bridge between the Middle Ages and modern history. This style of art was mostly found in paintings and sculptures. Famous artist from this period are; Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, and Donatello. -
Baroque Art Period
Began in the 1600's, Baroque's artistic style used exaggerated motion and clear expression to show drama and tension in the artistic work. Often, the subject of art work in this period was of the religious figure, Jesus, leading to this age having a spiritual connection as well. This style was exclusive to paintings or sculptures, it was also seen in architecture, literature, dance, theater, and music of it's time. -
Rococo Art Period
Rococo Style of art is a late French 18th-century artistic movement and style that takes off from Baroque, affecting many aspects of the arts including painting, sculpture, and architecture in France in the 1700's. Rococo uses asymmetrical values, pastel color palette, and curved or serpentine lines. Great Britain at the time, Rococo was always thought of as the "French taste", and wasn't spread to England or other parts of Europe. -
Romanticism Art Period
An artistic art style movement originating in Europe in the late 1700's. Known for it's focus on nature, emphasis on the individual's expression of emotion and imagination, as well as it's denial of the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellious view against established social norms in their culture. A good example of it's rebellious view's is the piece La Liberté guidant le peuple by Eugène Delacroix, which displays the July Revolution of 1830, which toppled King Charles X of France. -
Realism Art Period
A French Artistic Style that became more common in the early 1850's, after the 1848 Revolution in France. The Realists rejects Romanticism artistic style, which was seen as the norm of art at during this time, showing us the people in France at the time followed the Structural Functionalism Point of View primarily. -
Impressionist Art Period
Began approximately in the 1860's, uses relatively small, thin, yet visible brush strokes, and had an emphasis on lighting in paintings. The early Impressionists violated the rules of academic painting, the "norms" of painting in the 1800's, where most people only liked realism. They 'rebelled' against art and social norms, giving them the Cultural materialist perspective. -
Post-Impressionist art Period
Developed roughly between 1886 and 1905 that used visible brush strokes, small, large, thick or thin, and emphasized accurate depiction of light in the work. The post-impressionist art style is all about the "feeling", the impact that their art leaves on a person in their time. In Van Gogh's "A Stary Night" one could "feel" his love and passion for nighttime. -
Expressionist Art Period
Expressionism was a modernist movement that began in Germany in 1912, which traits were to present itself to the world solely from a subjective perspective using distorted images and shapes, for it to emotional evoke moods or idea's in the viewer's. Looking at Edvard Munch's "Scream", you can see that he want's the viewers to feel uneasy, as he may be feeling uneasy himself when he had made his painting. The people impacted by this culture expression is the viewers of the artist's work.