Ghana 1
In West Africa the earliest people there were the Soninke. They lived along the Nile River as farmers and herders. Nomadic herders began to come and move into this area. The Soninke started to band together and this started the Empire of Ghana. They learned to make iron tools for farming and herded cattle for milk and meat. This gave them a surplus of food and the population kept growing until there were many villages. They traded through Silent Barter and also gained money through this process. -
Jan 1, 800
Ghana 2
By 800 they had firm control over the main trade routes and as trade routes increased so did Ghana's wealth. They gained money by taxing the items traders had when they passed through the city and and left. Ghana also forced small neighboring tribes and the people who lived in Ghana to pay a tax. Ghana kings also made it so people were only allowed to have gold dust and only Kings were allowed to have nuggets. They did not trade all of the gold and kept huge stashes for their own. -
Jan 1, 1200
Ghana 3
Ghana was very powerful until three factors destroyed the powerful empire. Number one was when a group of North African Muslims called the Almoravids attacked Ghana and after 14 years weakened the empire cutting off trade routes. Number two was overgrazing when the Almoravids came with many animals that ate all the grass until there was no more. No grass no farming no food. The last reason was internal rebellion when rebels from Ghana conquered but didn't know what to do after they took control. -
Jan 1, 1230
Mali 1
Sundiata becomes the ruler of Mali and they became rich and powerful. He conquered the trade routes and nearby kingdoms such as Ghana. He also found a new plant called cotton and made very comfortable clothing. He died in 1255. -
Jan 1, 1300
Mali 2
Mansa Musa the most famous ruler of Mali helped the religion Islam spread and got Mali at the height of their fame power and wealth. -
Jan 1, 1324
Mali 2
The most famous ruler of Mali was Mansa Musa. He has skillful leadership and helped reach Mali's height of wealth, fame, and power. He also helped the religion Islam spread throughout West Africa. -
Jan 1, 1431
Mali 3
When Mansa Musa died, Maghan came and became a weak ruler. He couldn't stop the raiders from the southeast. Mali never recovered and they were completely wiped out by 1500 -
Jan 1, 1464
Songhai 1
In 1300 Mansa Musa conquered Songhai and by 1400 they rebelled and gained their freedom. The Berbers were a big trading empire. Since Songhai people worshiped the religion Muslim, and because the Berber's shared the same religion Songhai got richer and famous. Their expansion was led by Sunni Ali. -
Jan 23, 1492
Songhai 2
Sunni Ali died and the next ruler was Sunni Baru. He did not support the religion Muslim and the people feared that they would lose their trade. So the people rebelled and the leader was Muhammad Ture who was later known as Askia the Great. He supported reading study and made many universities. He supported Islam and helped maintain order. -
Jan 1, 1500
Mali 3
When Mansa Musa died Maghan his son took the throne. But he was a very weak ruler and when raiders from the southeast came, he couldn't stop them. They never fully recovered from this attack and they kept declining until the empire fell. -
Songhai 3
Songhai fell to the power of Morocco because they had many advanced technologies such as guns. Songhai's swords, arrows, and spears had no chance and that was the end of their empire.