Period: to
West Africa
Saint Domingue
Haiti's slave revolution agaisnt France sparked a dramatic change in teh thought of slave trade. That caused other countries to not buy anymore African slaves. Which let the West African population increase.
https://www.adbusters.org/files/magazine/91/rev-haiti-article.jpg -
Niger River
In 1795, the Niger river was found to go west to east, opposite of what was previously thought. Many people now flocked to that area because of the new source of trade. Which caused an influx of trade in that area.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e6/Mungo_Parks_Route_1795-97_and_1805-06.png -
Britian and U.S. ban
In 1807 both the U.S. and Great Britian ban new slave trade from Africa for fear of their own rebellion. Africa loses some economic input and population grows. This hurts the West African economy.
http://newhistory.co.za/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Slaves-being-sold-by-auction.jpg -
Sokoto Caliphate
This caliphate became the largest in Africa since the Songhai. This shows how Africans were gaining their strength because of their new dominance in power. This was caused by the start of the scramble for africa.
http://www.blackpast.org/files/blackpast_images/Hausa_City_States.jpg -
Islamic Reform
The islamic people created new powerful states in Western Africa savannahs. Hence causing change in power dominance from the British and French. The ismalmic peoples were much more succesful in creating a powerful West Africa.
http://www.nps.gov/ethnography/aah/aaheritage/images/Africa.gif -
Slave Trade
Slave trade began to lower and the trade of vegitable oil, gold, ivory, and other goods increased. This boosted West Africas economy as people started to refind these products. Also, these new products effected the rest of the world as they were getting rid of slaves.
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/17/AfricanSlavesTransport.jpg/300px-AfricanSlavesTransport.jpg -
French invasion
French invasion of Algeria
The French invade Algeria which creates an18 year war destroying farms, crops, animals, and villagers in the process. This dramatically changed the dominance of Algeria. In turn, this caused a change in the military of West African people because they needed to be ready for a war over their land.
http://www.lewrockwell.com/wall/retreat.jpg -
"ligitmate trade"
Since slave trade became banned in Africa, Western Africa had to get more income so they start to "ligitimate" trade. Their exports such as gold increase by large amounts. E.i. gold 10,000 in 1790s to 25,000 in 1840s and 50s
http://www.mrdowling.com/images/609trade.gif -
Hierarchy Change
As ports in Western Africa became stronger, the coatal traders grew more wealthy and caused a dramatic change in the social heirarchy. Coastal traders went up the ladder and bought more salves, and even slave hierarchies changed because some married big traders. They tended to overuse their power over the other slave membersas the climbed the social ladder.
http://maritimeheritage.org/ports/imagesMaps/Africa2-boulton.jpg -
Scramble for Africa
Scramble for Africa Podcast
The scramble for Africa produced a dramatic change in Africa and allowed for more diverse people in Western Africa. This also caused West Africans to boost their militaries even though most of them would be conquered. The scramble for Africa last from 1881-1900.