Wes Hutter timeline

  • Wes Hutter was born.

    Wes Hutter was born.
    I was born in Atlanta, Georgia at Northside Hospital.
  • Wes Hutter enrolls at George Walton Academy.

    Wes Hutter enrolls at George Walton Academy.
    I enrolled at George Walton Academy at the age of 4. My teachers were Mrs. Cecille and Mrs. Pam.
  • Wes Hutter kills his first turkey.

    Wes Hutter kills his first turkey.
    I killed my first turkey in Carlile, Wyoming. I killed it with my Browning Golden Trigger 20 gauge. It had an nine inch beard.
  • Wes Hutter kills his first deer.

    Wes Hutter kills his first deer.
    I shot my first deer at our farm in Covington. It was a doe that weighed around 135lbs.
  • Wes Hutter starts his first year of football.

    Wes Hutter starts his first year of football.
    I started football at the age of 9. I played at South Walton in Social Circle. My first position i ever played was left tackle and defensive line. My number was originally going to be 10 but another guy got it before i did. I had to settle for number 6.
  • Wes Hutter plays his first year of basketball.

    Wes Hutter plays his first year of basketball.
    I started playing basketball in the 7th grade. I scored a total of 2 points the whole season. We went 8 and 2 and lost in the playoffs.
  • Wes Hutter catches his first middle school touchdown.

    Wes Hutter catches his first middle school touchdown.
    I caught my first middle school touchdown against Prince Avenue. It was a home game. Tucker Shull was playing quarterback. We ended up winning 35 to 7. We were 4-4 that year.
  • Wes Hutter goes to the state shotgun meet.

    Wes Hutter goes to the state shotgun meet.
    I shot in the state shotgun meet in 8th grade. Had to shoot atleast 16 out of 25 in region to get to and i shot 20. It was held at Rock Eagle. I ended up shooting a 22 and our team took 2nd place in the state.
  • Wes Hutter plays in his first varsity football game.

    Wes Hutter plays in his first varsity football game.
    I played in my first varisty football game at Pincrest Academy. It was late in the fourth quarter so i went in on kickoff. Right after that i played a little bit of defense and offense. We won that game like 28 to 0.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MapO1bRBziM
  • Wes Hutter starts his first track season.

    Wes Hutter starts his first track season.
    I started my first year of track at the age of 14. I run the 4X1 relay, the 4X4 relay, the 100m dash, and I do triple jump. My coaches are Coach Cloud, Coach B., Coach Lucas, Coach Lee, and Mrs. Roediger.
  • Wes Hutter goes to college.1

    The first career that im interested in is becoming a football coach. I would wanna start off small and eventually be a college coach. A football coach doesn't make a lot of money, so i would definatly have to have a side job. An average football coach has a salary of $68,830 (www.1.salary.com). Coaching is also a very popular job. in 2008, there were about 225,700 people employed as coaches. In order to be a high school coach, you must also be a teacher.(www.careerplanning.about.com). That means
  • Wes Hutter goes to college.1 (continued)

    I would have to get a degree in education as well as a degree in sports management. The best college to get these degrees would be The University of Georgia. Another good college would be Georgia Southern. There are no math courses needed to get a degree in sports management. there may be some you must take to get a degree in education depending on what you teach.
  • Wes Hutter goes to college. 2

    Anther job that sounds like it would be fun is to go it the agriculture field. Farmers don't make a lot of money either. The average salary of a crop farmer ranges fron $15,331 to $70,000 depending on the year.. The salary of a cattle farmer ranges from $17,721 to $70,000 (www.payscale.com). A lot of money is put into farming too. The state of Iowa spends about $800,000,000 a year on gas, diesel, electrcity, and propane (www.iastate.edu). In order to become a farmer, you must get a degree in
  • Wes Hutter goes to college. 2 (continued)

    agriculture. Two colleges I could get this degree from would be The University of Georgia and ABAC. MATH 1101 is needed to get a degree in agriculture.