
  • 1975

    the other wes moore is born,but his father is absent throughout most his life.
    "He had never met his father at least not that he remembered."(Moore, 16)
  • 1978

    wes was born(author)
    "My first name, Westly, is my fathers."(Moore, 6)
  • 1982

    wes(author) father dies from an untreated misdiagnosis.
    "Untreated because of the earlier misdiagnosis my father's body suffocated itself" (Moore,15)
  • 1984

    wes gets arrested for the first time
    "He lifted all eighty pounds of Wes off the ground, slamming him facefirst on the police cruiser." (Moore, 34)
  • 1984

    When getting to New York Wes's mother decided she didn't want him going to public school and had him enrolled in Riverdale, a private school.(Author)
    "My mother saw Riverdale as a haven, a place where i could escape my neighborhood and open my horizons." (Moore, 48)
  • 1984

    wes gets suspended for fighting
    "A few weeks earlier i had been suspended for fighting."(Moore, 50)
  • 1984

    wes's mother moves her and the kids
    "My mother prepared us for the move by telling us about her wonderful childhood on the glories of the Bronx." (Moore, 38)
  • 1987

    tony was shot for the first time in the chest while dealing drugs
    "First, Tony got shot in the chest during a botched drug deal."(Moore, 57)
  • 1987

    Wes was given a headset to help a group of people sell drugs.
    "But Wes was rationalized i am not actually selling drugs." (Moore 58)
  • 1987

    wes gets arrested for the first time with shea
    "...with the officer's hands pressing against every part of me, searching me, i watched Shea twenty feet away on the ground getting the same treatment."(Moore,81)
  • 1987

    wes tries drugs for the first time
    "Wes knew all about weed but never had actually tries it. He cautiously puts the rolled up joint to his mouth and inhaled." (Moore 60)
  • 1990

    After getting arrested Wes's mom felt like she was loosing him and sent him to Valley Forge Military School.(Author)
    "Maybe i could manage this military school thing." (Moore, 89)
  • 1991

    wes shot at ray and got arrested
    "He was escorted downstairs by three police officers led to the back of their car and shoved in." (Moore 106)
  • 1991

    alicia gets pregnant with wes's first child
    "Alicia is pregnant. Like 3 months." (Moore 99)
  • 1994

    After getting out of prison Wes took the risk to sell drugs to an unknown customer who eneded up being an undercover cop.
    "Getting arrested was starting to feel routine."(Moore 114)
  • 1995

    Wes stepped up in the military and became a platoon sergeant, a cadet master sergeant, and the youngest senior non commissioned officer in the entire corps. (author)
    "In an iconic turn, i was now one of the ones in charge of them." (Moore, 115)
  • 1997

    Wes joined Jop Corps but didn't go through with it and went back to selling drugs.
    "As the baking soda swirled in the rapidly heating pot, Wes held the plastic bag with both hands and poured in nine ounces of cocaine." (Moore 145)
  • 1987

    Wes made the decision to stay at Valley Forge and leave an impact the way Conel Murphy did. (author)
    "i wanted to lead soldiers." (Moore, 133)
  • 2000

    After deciding to rob a jewelry store with tony and a few others, they got in a fatal shooting that killed a cop and were arrested and convicted to life imprisonment.
    "The sentence was indeed life in prison without the possibility of parole. The guards placed their hands on Wes and shuffled him away." (Moore 157)
  • 2000

    Wes gets accepted to John Hopkins and also receives a scholarship.(author)
    "Not only was i accepted but i would receive scholarship money."(Moore, 160)