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Werner Heisenberg Timeline (1901-1976)

  • Birth

    Werner Heisenberg, son of Dr. August Heisenberg and Annie Wecklein, is born.
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    • Werner Heisenberg attends Maximilian school in Munich until 1920.
    • In, 1920, Heisenberg begins his studies in physics at the University of Munich.
    • Between 1922-1923 studies physics at Göttingen under Max Born, Franck, and Hilbert.
    • In 1923, Heisenberg takes his Ph.D at the University of Munich.
  • Matrix Mechanics

    Heisenberg invents "Matrix Mechanics", which is the first version of "Quantum Mechanics."
  • Philosophical Conclusion

    From the Uncertainty Principle, Heisenberg concluded that absolute casual determinism was impossible since it would require exact knowledge of both position and velocity as the initial condition. This had far reaching implications within the field of quantum science and forced scientist to reconsider previously accepted concepts.
  • The Uncertainty Principle

    In 1927, Heisenberg publishes "On the Perceptual Content of Quantum Theoretical Kinematics and Mechanics." Articulated in the paper is Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, which states that the exact velocity and position of a particle cannot be measured simultaneously. This principle serves as the foundation of Heisenberg's philosophy within the scientific field. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQKELOE9eY4 for additional information on the "Uncertainty Principle."
  • Quantum Research

    In 1927 Heisenberg, alongside other collogues, created a quantum field theory which united quantum mechanics Einstein's relativity theory.
  • Atomic Research

    In 1932, Heisenberg conducted published work on the theory of the atomic nucleus following the discovery of the neutron. Heisenberg developed an early model proton and neutron interactions, later known as the "strong force."
  • Nobel Prize for Physics

    In 1933, Heisenberg is presented with the Nobel Prize for physics alongside Schrödinger and Dirac whom shared the 1933 Nobel Prize for physics.
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    World War II

    In 1939 Heisenberg was drafted to Germany's Army Weapon Bureau where he would work to solve the problem of nuclear energy, though unsuccessful. This time of Heisenberg's life led to much controversy later down the road with some suggesting he was simply incompetent and other suggesting he had deliberately sabotaged Adolf Hitler's attempts to obtain nuclear weapons or energy through fission. In 1945, he was captured by American Intelligence and interned in England until 1946.
  • CERN

    Heisenberg played a key role in Germany's participation in the European Council for Nuclear Energy (CERN); and in the UNESCO discussions that led to CERN's establishment.
  • Death

    On 01 February 1976, Heisenberg succumbs to kidney cancer.