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The 1980s
Welcome to the 80s. You are going to be learning about all the cool stuff that has happened in the 80s. Hope you enjoy -
Bon Scott
Bon Scott, at the time was the lead singer of AC/DC, was killed of acute alcohol poisining -
Grease, the longest running show on broadway to date, closes after 3,388 performances -
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Stikes Back recieves $290 million. -
John Lennon
John Lennon was shot outside of the dakota hotel by a major fan with mental disabilities. He was instantly killed by the shot. -
Bob Marley
Bob Marley died of lentiginous skin melanoma. -
Indiana Jones
Indiana Jones, Raiders of The Lost Ark is realeased and recieves $245 million dollars -
MTV came out as a channel to listen to music and show music videos. -
Madonna's single "Everybody" is realeadsed. and it became a dance hit -
Micheal Jackson's thriller came out. It was one o the most well know music videos and songs in the united states. -
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi recieves $309 million. -
AIDS is discovered, and scientists find out it infected over four thousand people -
Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom is realeased and recieves $179 million -
The Fat Boys
Th Fat Boys released their first album "Fat Boys". Members were Princce Markie Dee who rapped, Kool Rock-Ski who also rapped, and The Human Beat Box who was the beat boxer. -
Van Halen
Daid Lee Roth left Van Halen (rock group) to go on a solo career -
AIDS concert
This is the concert that a lot of famous singers and dancers performed in, to brindg awearness to the disease AIDS. -
Back To The Future
The movie "Back to the Future" came out into theaters. -
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
The first introduction into the Rcok and Roll hall of fame was inducted. -
The Challenger space shuttle exlploded after seventy three seconds -
Beastie Boys
The Beastie Boys relaeased their album "Licensed to ILL. It was Columbie Record's fastest selling record to date, it sold more than 9 million copies. -
Last Crusade
Indaina Jone and the Last Crusade is released and recieves $197 million