Weimar Timeline

  • German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns

    German Revolution of 1918 and Kaiser Wilhelm II resigns
    The newspaper article shows the news of the removal of the Kaiser which starts a new era for Germany
  • Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution

    Formation of Weimar Republic/Constitution
    The picture shows the Reichstag, the new form of government the Weimar constitution sought to create.
  • Ebert-Groener Pact

    Ebert-Groener Pact
    Picture shows Groener as the deputy war minister which portrays Groener side of the pact which was to use the Military to maintain order
  • Armistice ending WW I

    Armistice ending WW I
    Newspaper article written by the evening Missourian shows how the news of the armistice has reached the US which shows the armistice being the official end of WWI
  • Spartacist Revolt

    Spartacist Revolt
    This picture depicts soldiers on the Brandenburg gate during the Spartacist revolt ready for battle which shows the intensity of the revolt.
  • Bavarian Soviet Republic

    Bavarian Soviet Republic
    This picture shows armed freikorps soldiers which portrays the impending doom of the Bavarian soviet republic since the freikorps were deployed to suppress the communist republic in Germany
  • Treaty of Versailles and the results for Germany

    Treaty of Versailles and the results for Germany
    The cartoon shows a German being crushed by the reparations which articulates how the Germans felt the reoperations imposed on them by the treaty was too much for them to pay back.
  • Kapp Putsch

    Kapp Putsch
    The picture shows the Marinebrigade Erhardt which was a unit of the freikorps and were one of the main supporters of the Kapp Putsch which shows the wavering loyalty of the freikorps
  • Rapallo treaty

    Rapallo treaty
    This image shows Germany and soviet leaders shaking hands on the Rapallo Treaty
  • Occupation of the Ruhr

    Occupation of the Ruhr
    This image shows French soldiers as they are occupying The Ruhr
  • Ruhr uprising

    Ruhr uprising
    This image shows the striking workers on in battle with the SPDs freikorps that was sent to handle the rebellion
  • Hyperinflation crisis

    Hyperinflation crisis
    This image shows the hyperinflation in Weimar Germany and how people had to take so much money just to buy essential things due to the hyperinflation
  • Beer Hall Putsch

    Beer Hall Putsch
    This image shows the Nazi soldiers attempting a rebellion although it would fail
  • Introduction of the Rentenmark

    Introduction of the Rentenmark
    This is an image that shows the new currency the rentenmark
  • Weimar golden age

    Weimar golden age
    This shows a cabaret performance, one of the many features of the new thriving culture in the golden age.
  • Dawes plan

    Dawes plan
    This images shows Germany and the allies coming to an agreement to make the repetitions from the treaty of Versailles to Germany less harsh
  • Election of president Von Hindenburg

    Election of president Von Hindenburg
    This is a picture taken of Paul von Hindenburg.
  • Locarno Treaty

    Locarno Treaty
    This image shows the global leaders who signed the Locarno Treaty
  • Treaty of Berlin with the Soviet Union

    Treaty of Berlin with the Soviet Union
    This photo shows the german and Soviet leaders agreeing to the Treaty of Berlin
  • German entrance into the League of Nations

    German entrance into the League of Nations
    An image of a newspaper detailing Germany's entrance to the League.
  • Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany

    Grand Coalition of Weimar Germany
    This picture shows the amount of all the major parties and their coalition.
  • Young Plan

    Young Plan
    An image of Owen D. Young, the proposer of the Young Plan.
  • Beginning of Great Depression

    Beginning of Great Depression
    This is an image of an article detailing the beginning of the Wall Street crashes.
  • Von Papen's deal with Hitler

    Von Papen's deal with Hitler
    This picture shows Von Papen and Hitler together when they met in secret.
  • Hitler becomes Chancellor

    Hitler becomes Chancellor
    This image shows Hitler shaking Hindenburg's hand after he became chancellor.