Wei's WWII Timeline

By wei1425
  • The Anschluss of Austria

    The Anschluss of Austria
    The Union of Austira to Germany orchestrated by Hitler.
  • The Munich Conference

    The Munich Conference
    British and French conviced the czechs to give up sudentenland to appease Hitler.
  • Nazi-soviet Pact

    Nazi-soviet Pact
    An agreement between Hitler and Stlain to keep peace between each county.
  • Blitzkrieg

    Hitler orders a "lighting war" or constant bombing on Norway and Belgium.
  • Operation Sea Lion

    Operation Sea Lion
    Hitler invades Britain
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    Hitler breaks the Nazi-Soviet pact and invades Soviet Union to take over the vast natual resources.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    A surprise attack on American soil that killed 2,400 people and the reason American entered WWII
  • Island Hopping

    Island Hopping
    A goal of the US to defeat the Japanese one Island at a time and allowed them to move north.
  • "Big 3"

    "Big 3"
    FDR, Winston Churchill, and joseph Stalin meet and decided to first fight the war in Europe and then in the pacific.
  • Yalta Conferece

    Yalta Conferece
    The three leaders agreed that the Soviet Union would enter the war against Japan within theree months of Germany's surrender.
  • D/day

    US invades France to defeat the Germans
  • United Nation

    United Nation
    American and Russian sodies met and shook hands
  • V/E Day

    V/E Day
    Victory in Europe !
  • Manhattan Project

    Manhattan Project
    A code name for the A-bomb, Truman warned Japan that they should surrender because of the WMD that the US had.
  • A-Bomb

    Japan refuse to surrender twice and USdrops the A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Resist Soviet expansion in Europe or elsewhere in the world.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    United states funneled food and economic assitance to Europe to help countries rebulid.
  • Division of Germany

    Division of Germany
    The Soviet Union took reparations for its massive war losses by dismantling and moving factories and other resource in its occupation zone to help rebuild the Soviet Union
  • NATO

    Members pledged to help one another if any one of them were attacked.
  • WarSaw Pact

    WarSaw Pact
    The Soviet Union and seven satellites in Easter Europe