Week one Time line

  • 6500 BCE


    The process of a "Medicine man" drilling a whole in one’s scull in order to release the demons. This was not always done to humans that wanted this procedure. The demons were their understanding of what could be causing a person to not conform to society and current culture.
  • Tuskeegee Syphilis Study

    Tuskeegee Syphilis Study
    Black men were misled in a variety of experiments regarding syphilis, many died because treatment was not provided by the scientist or was it possible for them to find their own treatment. (1932-1972)
  • Operant Conditioning

    Operant Conditioning
    B.F Skinner used electric shock therapy on animals as part of his research.
  • Nuremberg Code

    Nuremberg Code
    Nuremberg, Germany was the location from 1945-1946 where a counsel of peers met in order to create a code of ethics. From this Came the Nuremburg Code as well as the Nuremburg trials. During the trials many of the former Nazis were convicted.
  • Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct

    Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct
    From the Nuremberg Code the American Psychiatric Association created about the Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct guide. Using similar principles.
  • Revison

    Revision of the Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct guide was latter done in 1953.
  • Obedience training

    Obedience training
    Stanley Milgram used electric shock in his experiments using humans. This is important in the creation of modern ethics and safety for test subjects. It was the start of other professionals collaborating ideas regarding what is humane and safe.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experment

    Zimbardo Prison Experment
    Philip Zimbardo created an experiment using 24 male students in a fake prison setting. The participants were randomly selected as a guard or prisoner for 6 days. He proved that even normal minding people can do irrational things in certain situations.