Benito Mussolini-Italy
Fascism was was authoritarian political movement that developed in Italy and other European countries after 1919
Fascist Program emphasize intense nationalism productive than anti socialism elitism in the need for a strong leader Mussolini -
Joseph Stalin USSR
Joseph Stalin was a powerful communist leader in the early Soviet Union he was a dictator who terrorized the population in so many people to prison and labor camps one of them communist leaders greatest task was collectivized farming Stalin created a state on forms while Stalin was the leader he still only increase his power many of his enemies were shot or sent to Siberia -
Germany Italy and Japan led a group of nation called the axis
1930 the Nazi leader was Hitler and defeated Germany in ww1 and wanted world domination they want their own countries to and other weaker -
Japanese expansion
Japanese expansion in East Asia began in 1931 with the invasion of Manchuria and continue in 1937 with a brutal attack on China on September 27th 1940 Japan signed The tripartite Pact with Germany and Italy then the US had stopped trade with the Japanese which let them to attack the US and British forces in Asia in shortly after the Japanese had Dropped a Bomb on Pearl Harbor leading to the US declaring war on the Japanese in joining the war -
Adolf Hitler
A dictatorship requires one person in one party to be in control of a nation and a C personal freedom disappear in Nazi Germany Hitler ask henderberg to Grant him emergency power in view of his communist takeover -
advance technology in w.w. 2
Torpedoes was used to destroy submarine and ship from long distance because bullets couldn't go far and do a lot of damaged
bombing raid, were use to destroy anything in a certain area such as factories that produce military equipment in w.w.2
Wolf pack were German submarine that had mass attack tactics against convoys a group of ships warship and submarine that attack a certain target all at once -
German expansion
The German invasion of West Berlin on September 1st 1939 led to World War II between 1939 and 1941 the German Army invaded unoccupied many countries including the Netherlands Belgium Luxembourg France Denmark Norway and with Portland the invasion of Poland LED both Britain and France to declare war on Germany and then begin the war because German invasion continue more of countries declared war on the Germans and their allies would cause a international response of War -
George Marshall
4 General George C Marshall acted as chief of staff in the organizer of Victory 1880 through 1959 he worked closely with President Roosevelt to urge military preparedness before Pearl Harbor built up in supplied an army of 8 million men and later helped to oversee the creation of the first atomic bomb -
Rosie the riveter
1945 one out every married women worked outside home
the star of a government campaign base in the small part on a real munitions -
Great Britain, United State of america soviet union, France led a group of nation called the allied
in 1941 congress veto that a state of rural existed between the U.S. and Japan
war cause by German expansionism England and France unprepared war
when Hitler Invaded Portland ww2 begar -
Rationing is the control distribution of scarce resource and gold Russia news I don't know gasoline powered butter and jelly people have to use rationing good witch where is you can eat families based on his size -
Lend-Lease program
The authority to sell lease lend or otherwise dispose of Defense article to Any Nation who's defense he considered critical the back of the u.s. neutrally by claiming that loans were made in interest of Nations defense Goods we're not destroyed or lost in battles were to be returned or paid for it allows us to provide its allies with Aid in the form of Tanks ammunition in construction supplies -
women in the military
wacs women Army Corp auxiliary unit women were doing all these things remained in the office were shipped overseas to fight the women did paperwork Supply food in Telegram in Federal Way women accepted for volunteer emergency services in the Navy at the end of World War 2 and the women couldn't stay in the Navy -
war bonds
Way to remove money from circulation as well as reduce inflation people would buy Bonds in the government promised to return them with interest after 10 years or more government needs the money to pay for War equipment -
Pearl Harbor
the Japanese Royal Navy launched a surprise attack against America killing over 2.4 thousand people in military personnel destroyed 18 ships 32 airplanes Roosevelt famous day of infamy which was a response to the attack -
bataan Death March
Was forced to make a notorious Six Mile march to prison camp survivors were taken by Lynne cell forum San Fernando to visit of work and died from disease treatment Innovations -
Battle of Midway
The war tide in favor to Allied Powers since it was one of the most decisive u.s. Victory to get your. Because major advance in Coke breaking the United States was able to print it and counter to parent plan and push the US inflicted permanent damage on the Japanese lady that is for in for Fleet carriers in 322 Air France and over five thousand -
victory gardens
as part of the war effort the government rations butter milk cheese egg coffee meat and canned good the government tuned to its citizens and encourage them to plant victory gardens gardens help to make sure enough food and supplies were available for home the troops during www2 -
executive order 90 66
The document ordered the removal of Resident enemies from parts of the West after bombing Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in 1941 Roosevelt a major increase pleasure pressure 5 military and political -
Chester W Nimitz
The authorities on submarines he was the USS surviving officer who trained as a phenomenal my rose Chester was appointed Commander in Chief of the US Pacific Fleet just after Pearl Harbor who commanded u.s. forces of battle Midway this battle halted the Japanese advance in Pacific -
isoroku yamamato
Japanese commercial of Marvel commander-in-chief of combined Fleet played a vital role Pearl Harbor which may Japanese Victorious -
Bernard Montgomery
Senior British officer in the American and European War Commander of the British 8th Army and 21st army during the Year campaign was all over troops on June 6th 1944 D-Day -
Erwin Rommel
Field Marshal German most popular General during World War II on D-Day he discussed with other offices about surrendering due to this type of to the pilot to overthrow Hitler he was murdered -
Omar Bradley
was highly distinguished service in north Africa and western Europe during w.w. 1 from the Normandy landing of June 6 1944 through to the end of the war in Europe, he commanded all us gov force invading Germany from west
commanded all 43 Divisions with 1.3 million men -
Omar Bradley
Was a senior officer of the US Army he was in service of North America and Western Europe during World War II he then became general of the first American army to made in France -
korematsu versus u.s.
Red pearlescent a Japanese US citizen refused to leave his home in San Diego California Court decided the nation's security concerns outweigh the Constitution promise of equal rights -
postdam conference
Participants were the USSR the US and the UK the powers were represented by Communist Party Joseph Stalin prime minister Winston Churchill and President Harry Truman Heather to decide how to punish Germany men on July 25th for the church you can come straight into the position declaration page out loud the terms of broken Germany into three parts -
potsdam conference
Roosevelt(US) Churchill(UK) and Stalin(Russia) net in Yalta
They agreed on the function of the United Nations and that Germany would be divided into four zones occupied by Russia,UK,US,France
Free elections would also be passed soon after differences began to emerge 1945 -
nuclear weapons
President Harry Truman decided to use the atomic bomb against Japan after bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August trip to surrender World War 2 in which over 70 million people died when it was over -
women and minority
Right in the war the women were left to work in factories after the workmen came back to reclaim the positions at the factory but the women didn't want to give them up bring up to feminist movement in the word meaning of cover for a long time right now for the first time when they got back from the war they were treated with the same racial slurs parking the Civil Right Movement -
the the US and European country
In the US the war happened after the Great Depression 30% unemployment was cut down 2 less than 5% after the unemployment boost due to the war European countries were left to rebuild in the u.s. lended money to countries in Germany was the only country to fully pay it back in 1990 -
M1 Semi automatic rifle and radar+