The Sedition Act
It was an English Salute that largely relates to treason. -
Eugene V. Debs
He start the Union of laborers and was a leader in the socialist party. -
The Jim Crow Laws
These laws started the segregation between white and black people. -
The Chinese Exclusion Act
This was when the united states restricted immigration into the united states. -
The Sinking of Louistiana
The sinking of this ship started the German submarine warfare of WW1. -
Interception of the Zimmerman Telegram
This would offer financial aid to mexico if they side with Germany in US-German conflict. -
18th - 21th amendments
18th prohibited the sale of alcohol. 19th gave women the right to vote. 20th changed a portion of the 12 amendment. 21st repealed prohibition. -
The Immigration act of 1924
This act limited the number of immigrants allowed into the country. -
The monkey trial
This was a trial where a substitute teacher taught evolution to the students despite the law. -
The Red Scare
This was the fear American capitalists felt by the threat of the communist soviet union.