Father of the naval aviation
Innovations is naval aviation, Glenn Curtis made the 1st airplane using a similar engine to a car years later he successfully flew his "hydroplane" in 1912 developed a larger "flying boat" effects with all his innovations, helped further naval aviation, later air crafted. -
Social Darwinism
Haves were rich people or people that had power if you were poor or not educated then it means that they dont deserve to have money or power and they where a have not concept behind Social Darwinism was racism, money, and power. what social classes owe to each other was pamphlet by William Graham Sumnmer's about solving social problems created in 1883-1903 -
Red Scare
Xenophobia is the fear of foreigners many Americans were scared of the communists because the communists had overthrown Russia in 1917 and murdered them. A series of bomb explosions in 1919 including an attempt on Mitchell Palmer lead to a campaign against the communist. Palmer raids caused mass arrests palmer violated people. over 2 million African Americans moved to the north to escape share cropping tenant farming and deep racism they faced. -
19th Amendment
19th amendment to the U.S. constitution granted American Women the right to vote, a right known as woman suffrage. 1848 the movement for woman's right launched on a national level with a convention it became a centerpiece of woman's right movement after 10 year battle the passage of the 19th amendment passed. -
Marcus Mosiah Garvey the members pledge themseves to do all their power to conserve the rights of thier noble race and to respect the rights of all mankind believing always in the brotherhood of man and the fatherhood of God. North and the frustrations of struggling to cope with urban life set the scene foe Garvey's back to Africa Movement. He went to Jamaica and was kicked out of United States he wanted the people to come back to Liberia which was a movement "back-to-Africa" -
Henry Ford
When manufacture first adopted their assembly line to their production process they often achieved dramatic gains in productivity process they often achieved dramatic gains in productivity ford was producing 1.6 million cars a year at a price of less than 300 dollars per car the growth in automotive ownership from 6 to 24 million greatly affected all aspects of american life, ford payed his workers 5 dollars a hour. -
Emergency Quota Act
Cause of immigration had grown almost 600% ranging 141,000 to 805,000 people after WW1 term established maximum number of people who could enter the U.S. "Cut European Immigration." How it's positive allows immigrants that are already living in the U.S. to have a secure job. Groups like the KKK strongly supported Emergency Quota Act and National Origins Formula to reduce the number of foreigners coming to the United States -
Teapot Dome Scandal
Albert B. Fall, Q close friend of various oil executives managed to get reserves transferred from the navy to the interior department. Fall secretly leased land to two private oil companies including Henry Sinclair mammoth oil company fall received more than 400,000 in bans bonds and cash he was found guilty of bribery and became the 1st american to be convicted of a felony fall and Harding were close friends during this event it hurt president Harding to not be reelected. -
Langston Hughes
Poet and writer best know for his work during the Harlem renaissance. Poetry activist, novelist, play, writing the crisis is the official publication of the NAACP national association for the advancement of colored people negro speaks of rivers claims rivers as ancient as the world older than the blood that flows in our veins. -
National Origins Act
Established of a quota system limited immigration from southern limited from southern and eastern Europe also established a quota to determine how many immigrants could enter the U.S. all Asians were excluded from immigration emergency quota act that limited immigration from ant country to 3% this act caused immigration to drop by almost 500,000 people between 1920-1922 -
Pledge Of Alligance
The original POA is "I pledge of allegiance to my flag and the republic for which it stands the changes ." "I pledge allegiance to the flag of United States of america and to the republic." The words "my flag" were replaced by "the flag of United States" in 1923, because some foreign born people might have in mind the flag of the country of their birth instead of the U.S. flag. -
Scopes Trial Monkey Trial
As an American legal case in 1925 in which a teacher from Tennessee violated the outlet act, which taught about the evolution. This made an unlawful to teach human evolution in any state funded school. William Jennings was the prospector, the attorney who defended scopes was convicted for teaching evolution his $1.00 fine was late set aside, the town first made the fine to collect money due to the great depression. -
Duke Ellington
Duke Ellington was influenced to the Harlem Renaissance he was in fact a musician jazz music also swing music Ellington was known for being a American composer planist and bandleader of jazz orchestra. He influenced both black and white people with his music because music doesnt have racist was where duke played it was for african american music but only white people were allowed.