week 2 US History

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    harsh working condition

    -10 cents an hour ,12-14 hours a day , $8- $10 a week

    -children were paid less than 10 cents an hour for 14 hours a day
    -women received between 1/2-1/3 the pay of men
    -machines were heavy and dangerous ,black smoke spit out
    - workers covered in black soot
    -work with workers who were sick or had cut of limbs
    -workers were abandon if an accident occurred ,wages stop no medical attention a
    -children+ women were abuse
    -children had physical deformities because lack of sunlight and exercise
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    the revolution

    -focused on women right and women suffrage
    -Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth C. Stanton both were publishers and editors

    -they established the revolution during period when split was developing within the women right movement
    - together they provided leadership to stop women suffrage in the Us
    -woman rights movement that greatly reduced at the turn of the century
  • Klondike gold rush

    -out of 1000,000 prospectors only 3,000 reached the region
    -it was difficult to reach the Klondike region and because of the terrain and harsh weather .
    -the people left their jobs so Klondikes to become gold diggers
    -many prospectors because penniless because they had spent a lot of money on the the Klondike. The continental economy however they became locked in a state of depression.
    -the prospectors did not always find gold but the hardware suppliers made a fortune selling the equipment .
  • womans christian temperance union

    -WTC fought for prohibition ,the banning of alcoholic beverages ,wanted immigrants and poor city dwells to uplift themselves.
    -Frances willard help tranform the union from dwellers from small mid-western religious group to a nation organization .
    -around tension between immigrants because their customs included alcohol consumption.
  • assassination of president Garfield

    -the assassin was Charles J. Guiteau
    -shot at the president twice ,only one bullet directly impacted him
    -reason charles shot him was because he was turned down on a job by the president ,mentally unstable and believed god told him to do it.
    -Charles wrote poem ,'i am going to the cordy ' to Garfield about his own death
    -Garfield lived for a couple of moths but died from infection.
  • pendleton act

    -patronages system is a practice in which a political party after winning an election gives government jobs to its supporters.
    -merit system is the process of promoting and hiring government employees based in their ability to preform a job
    -cause ; president Garfield was shot twice by Charles Guiteau whom he had been turned down from a job Chester after becoming president
    -effect; officials could no longer pressure employees for campaign contributors.
  • Interstate commerce act

    -the reason for this law to make railroad rates fair to all the customers.
    -the power of the law was to basically to regulate railroad prices .
    -this was the first federal law to regulate private industry in the US "reasonable and just price "standard.
    -the ICC was created to enforce regulations and investigate allegations such as fraud ,deception,and discrimination toward private businesses.
  • Sherman antitrust act

    -to address oppressive business practices associated with cartels and oppressive monopolists
    -business illegally forming trust to interfere with trade
    -the act was suppose to go against big businesses and the trust in the supreme court , but they didint define what 'trust' meant .
    -it was useless until 1900's when trust-busters closed over 44 trust companies
    -john d. Rockefeller was one of the captain of industry or robber barons that caused the act to be created .
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    the progressive era

    -the progressive era was a time of social and political reforms during which corruption and socia ldifferences were exposed, many changes were made to american society
    -progressive era was a time of reform such as the initiative and referendum (vote)
  • Plessy vs. ferguson

    -plessy vs Ferguson was a landmark constitutional law cause of the supreme court . it upheld state racial segregation law for public facilities under the doctrine of "separate but equal"
    -the US supreme court ruled the racially separate facilities , if equal ,did not violate the constitution
    -all railways companies carry both races (whites and color race )
  • The jungle

    -published February 26,1906
    -author; upton sinclair ,jr.
    -written to portray the harsh conditions and exploited lives of immigrants in the united states in Chicago and similar industrialized cities .
    -concerned with the exposure of health violations and unsanitary practices in the american meatpacking industry during the early 20th century
    -contributed to a public outcry ,which led to reforms including the meat inspection act and pure food and drug act.
  • pure food and drug act

    -the cause of the pure food and drug act was because of all the muckrakers like Upton Sinclair writing stories on the working conditions and how filthy the factories were.
    -the power of the pure food and drug act was to protect the public against adulteration of the food and from products identified as healthful without scientific support.
    -had the responsibility of testing all foods and drugs destined for human consumption, and the requirement for prescriptions.
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    Social gospel

    -settlement houses like the hull house lone Addams and religious groups helped start the "social gospel movement"
    -They believed that churches had a duty to solve societies problems and preached salvation through serve to the poor .
    -they were criticized by others the social gospel movement because they could not believe their reforms could help.
    -the progressive era inspired reform activities like the young men's christian association and the inspiration of women's temperance union.

    -in 1909 and 1930 the NAACP devotees much of its energy to publicizing the lynching of blacks throughout the united states
    -NAACP: national association for the advancement of colored people.
    -the NAACP was founded in 1909 by a group of multi -racial activist. it was the originally the the national negro committee by W.E.B DOBO.
  • 16th amendment

    -allows the congress to levy an income tax on the people.
    -its biggest effect was it shifted the balances of power towards the federal government and away from the states
    -progressive :favoring and advocating progress and change
    -Revenue:collective items of income of a person ,state ,etc
    -Tariff: tax or duty to be payed
  • 17 amendment

    -the senate of the US shall be composed of two senators from each state,elected by the people there of , for 6 years and each senator shall have one vote
    -it changed the theory about who senators represented , shifting the focus from state government to the residents of states.
    -Direct elections: system of choosing political office holders in which the voters directly cast ballots for the person
  • the federal reserve act

    -nation needed a way to strengthen the ways in which banks were run.
    -This act divided the nation into 12 districts and established a central bank in each district
    -The federal rosette banks could issue new paper currency in emergency situations and members could make loans to their customers.
    -By 1923 roughly 70% of the nations banking resources were part of the federal reserve system.
  • 18 amendment vocabulary

    -Temperance ; abstinence from alcoholic drink
    -Prohibition; legal act of prohibiting the manufacture storage in barrels ,bottles , transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages.
    -speak-easy- an Elliot liquor store or night club .
    -flapper - a fashionable young women intent on enjoying herself and flouting conventional standard of behavior.
  • 18th amendment

    -The 18th amendment was the result of decades of effort by the temperance movement in the U.S
    -It led to rise of organized crime, as the bootlegging of alcohol became an event more iterative operation
    -Banned the sale and drinking of alcohol in the U.S
    -The demand took effect in 1919 and was a huge failure .
  • 19th amendment

    -women wanted equality
    -granted women the right to vote : a right known as suffrage
    -helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of american life
    -women advocated for jobs ,fairer wages , education, sex education,and birth control