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    focused on women's rights & women's suffrage
    Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton both were publisher & editor
    they established the revolution during a period when a split was developing when the women's right movement
    they provided leadership for to stop women's suffrage in the U.S
    women's right movement had greatly reduced @ the turn of the century
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    muckraker journalism was one magazine journalist who exposed the corrupt side of business & public life in the early 1900`s
    journalists described immigrant ghettos and the poor living conditions of tenement housing
    muckraker condemned exploitation of child labor & white slave traffic in women
    they exposed Rockfeller oil industry & his monopolist ways
    Authors like Upton Sinclair exposed the meat packing industry which led to the meat packing act & pure food and drug act

    the purpose of the people's party was to increase in the$ supply to help for farmers & workers
    It was mainly towards struggling farmers & desperate laborers
    the moment is associated w/ Granger (the farmers moment)
    the populist program eventually became the platform of the demo. party & kept alive the concept that the gov. is responsible for reforming social injustices
    James B. Weaver was the populist candidate for the pres. that yr he pulled over 1,041,00

    the purpose of WCTU was to combat the influence of alcohol on families & society.
    Frances Willard became president of the WCTU and turned to organizing political means in addition to moral persuasion to achieve total abstinence.
    the issue was seen in society as moral, issue to create prohibition through the nation

    children as young as 6 yrs old worked hard hours for little or no pay
    women mostly found jobs in domestic service textile factories & spice work shops
    children sometimes worked up to 19 hours w/ one break
    women were paid less than half & children a third of what men make
    worked in dangerous locations
    if one was hurt head or arm cut off
  • assassination of president garfield

    the assassin was Charles J Guiteau
    shot at the president twice, but only 1 bullet directly impacted him
    reasion Charles shot him was he was turned down from a job by the president, mentally unstable & believes god told him to
    Charles wrote a poem, "I am going to the lord" to Garfield about his own death
    Garfield lived for a couple months, but died from infection

    provided the federal gov. jobs awarded on the basis of merit and be selected though competitive exams.
    in 1881 a mentally unstable man assassinated James A. Garfield in protest against not obtaining a gov. job.
    the public's reaction caused president Arthur to introduce this law.
    patronage system: practice where after winning an election, gives gov. jobs to its supporters/friends.
    merit system: process of promoting & hiring gov. employees based on their ability to perform a job.

    united state federal law that was designed to regulate the RR industry particularly is monopolistic practices.
    first law to regulate private industry in the us.
    the power of the acts is to the RR rate be " reasonable and just "
    interstate commerce commission (ICC) exposed the religion and investigated allegations of deception & discrimination.

    to address appresive business associated with cartels & oppressive mompolices
    -what caused the act? business illegally farming trust that intertered with trade
    -the act was suppose to go against big business & the trust in the supreme-court, but they didn't define what "trust" ment
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    the progressive era was a time of social and political reforms during which corruption and social differences were exposed, many changes were made to american society
    progressive era was a time of reform such as the initiative and referendum (vote)

    Ida B. Wells
    Wells passion was telling the country of the awful happening in the south lynchings because she lost several friends.
    effect was to raise awareness and option of the southern region on how African Americans were being treated

    law case of the US supreme Ct it upheld state racial segregation laws for public facilities under the doctrine of " separate but equal. "
    " separate but equal " did not violate the 14th amendment to the US constitution in 1868 which guaranteed equal protection under the law to all citizens.
    the expression most often refers to the legally or socially separation of African Americans from other races, but also applies the general discrimination against ppl of color by white commuities

    -out of 100,000 prospects only 30,000 reached the region
    -it was difficult to reach the klondike region and because of the terrain and harsh weather intense cold and frequent snowstorms
    -the people left their jobs for the klondike to become gold diggers
    -many prospectors became penniless because they had spent a lot of money that they had to buy the gear needed and the prospectors did not always find gold.

    prevented the manufacture or sale of gross, miss-branded or poisonous food drugs, or medicine
    was the first many consumer protection acts
    laws required labeling of any drugs that are addictive including alcohol, morphine, opium and cannabis
    caused coca-cola to replace the cocaine in their product with caffeine
    muckraking journalists brought these crimes to the public eye

    written by muckraking journalist Upton Sinclair
    focus was the human condition in the stockyards of Chicago & to exploit the labor of men & women for profit
    Magnified the sickening conditions of the meat-packing industry
    as result of making the public aware of the filthy & dangerous conditions, each local gov. passed its own set of health codes as well as the meat inspection act & the pure food & drug act
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    settlement houses like the hull house w/ Jane Addams & religious groups helped start the "social gospel movement"
    they believed that churches had a duty to solve society's problems & preached salvation through service to the poor
    they were criticized by others, believed the social gospel movement, because they did not believe their reforms could help
    the progressive era, inspired even more reforms acts. for example the (YMCA) & the inspiration of (WCTU)

    in the 1920s and 1930s the NAACP devoted much of its energy to publicizing the lynching of blacks thought out the united states
    the intials stand for the national association for the advancement of colored people

    allows congress to levy an income tax on the people
    its biggest effect was it shifted the balance of power towards the federal gov. and away from the states
    progressive: favoring or advocating progress and change
    revenue - collective items of income of a person, state, etc.
    tariff - tax or duty to be paid.

    the senate of then US shall be composed of 12 senators from each state, by the people there of, for 6 yrs and each senator shall have 1 votye
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    the founder of the bull moose party was Theodore Roosevelt
    he was defeated in the republic primaries & broke off
    the party advanced women suffrage, worker men comp, an 8 hr workday, a min. wage for women, federal law against child labor & federal trade

    caused by the nations to strengthen how banks were run & quickly adjust amount of money in circulation & have enough money supply to keep up W/ the econ.
    give 12 federal reserve banks the ability to print money in order to ensure economics stability
    helped created the federal reserve system & centralized banking known as " bankers bank "
    made the value of the US dollars stronger by influencing the economy
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    speakeasy: illicit establishment that sells alcoholic beverages
    flapper: generation of young western women in 1920s who wore short skirts, bobbed their hair, listened to jazz, and flaunted their unacceptable behavior
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    caused by widespread belief that consumption of alcohol was deteriorating americans health & causing criminal acts
    established the prohibition of alcohol beverages in the US by declaring the production, transport, & sale of alcohol illegal
    instead of reducing crime, it created massive organized crime movements & corrupted public officials who took bribes
    temperance: restraint & moderation from drinking
    prohibition: nationwide ban of alcohol

    women wanted equality
    granted women the right to vote - a right known as suffrage
    helped women move closer to equality in all aspects of american life
    women advocated for jobs, fair wages, education, sex education, and birth control