Wedding timeline

  • talk to your catholic parish priest or deacon

    This must be done six months prior to the wedding
  • parish Preparation

    the church puts a great deal of emphasis on suitable marriage preparation, not only of the variety that takes place in families and through catechetical programs.
  • the Celebration of marriage

    For Catholics, marriage is a sacred covenant, that is, an agreement or pact between the couple themself and the couple and God
  • Liturgy of the word

    The choice of scripture readings has previously been discussed. The couple, with the help of the priest or other pastoral ministers, can choose Scripture from both the old testament and new testament, including the gospels, that remind them of God's institution of marriage.
  • matrimonial consent

    The essential rite of the sacrament of matrimony takes place Directly after the Liturgy of the world.
  • nuptial blessing

    After the Our father, the priest faces the couple, who have joined their hands, and gives them a nuptial or wedding blessing.