webster&richardson-Tex Rex4

  • Period: to

    Texas Revolution

    The beginning and end of the Texas Revolution
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    First battle of The Texas Revoultion. The Texasns put up a white flag saying "come and take it ". The Texans won The Battle of Gonzales.
  • Consulation of 1835

    Consulation of 1835
    Important people came to the Consulation. The meeting was almost immediately adjouned. The Goverment and the President tried to convince people to respect Texas.
  • Battli of the Alamo

    Battli of the Alamo
    In the Battle of the Alamo the mexicans won. Mexicans had more people on on there side then the Texas . Mexicans attack the Texans every night.
  • Siege of the Alamo

    Siege of the Alamo
    General Santa Anna sent his troops to th San Antonio. Texans surrounded the Alamo when the Mexicans came. Texans didnt stop fighting.
  • The Texas Declaration of Independence

    The Texas Declaration of Independence
    People have to follow the rules. There was alot of people in the Texas Declaration of Independence. They made convention in Washington.
  • The Texas Declaration of Independence

    The Texas Declaration of Independence
    Was made of the Delegates. I was in Washington. People follow the TexasDeclaration of Independence
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    Texans defeated theMexican army. The battle was The battle of San Jacinto. Mexico thought they would win every time.
  • San Jacinto Campagin

    San Jacinto Campagin
    General Sam Houston arived at Gonzales. Texans won the San Jacinto. Sam Houston took over Texas army.
  • The Battle of Coleto

    The Battle of Coleto
    Culmantion of the Golid Campagin of 1836. Mexican army won the Battle of Coleto. Mexicans took over the surviveing people of texas.
  • Golid Massacer

    Golid Massacer
    Santa Anna sent General Urra to Texas. He march into Texas Matamoros. Santa Anna Signed.
  • Battle of San Jacinto

    Battle of San Jacinto
    ssanta Anna signed a peace treaty. mexico to leave Texans alone. Sam Houston didnt kill Sant Anna.