Core Team Year End Evaluation
How are we doing, changes, next steps, report -
Climate Justice Consultation
Center for Policy Alternatives--Vancouver consultation -
Period: to
Adult Consultation
meet with key adults in diocese to determine concerns, energy, direction of ministry--identify working group members, second contemplative event -
Period: to
Website Design
Youth Consultation
consultation with diocesan youth on their eco-justice concerns at Sorrento retreat, follow-up interviews, identify youth team member--first contemplative event -
Feb Outdoor Worship
5 pm first saturday of the month, locations all over the diocese -
Period: to
Parish Support Visits
Identify parish groups, schedule meetings--average 1/week except christmas and summer -
Radical Watershed Discipleship Conference
attend local conference meet with key eco-justice contacts, introduce and promote ministry -
Period: to
Sunday Morning "Package"
bring Watershed Discipleship Ministry to parishes on Sunday mornings, 20/year, with team -
Period: to
Contemplation and Education Events
there will be 5 education and 5 contemplation events per year, small events like hikes, 1/2 day retreats, book-groups will be local/regional. One major education event (Fall) and One Major contemplative event (Spring) will be offered for all in the diocese -
March Outdoor Worship
Interview in Topic and Anglican Journal
Period: to
Core Team Meeting
small core ministry group meets monthly with bi-anual ministry review and reporting -
April Outdoor Worship
May Outdoor Worship
Contemplative Retreat Day
June Outdoor Worship
July Outdoor Worship
And Summer Contemplative Event--possibly hiking/camping trip -
Detroit Water Justice School
attend detroit conference with youth delegate, -
Period: to
Social Media Campaing
research and run Social Media fundraiser--Indiegogo or Kickstarter -
Sept Outdoor Worship
Launch Social Media Campaign
Period: to
VST Student
the ministry will serve as a theology student placement site for VST -
Oct Outdoor Worship
Major Education Event
big(ish) name speaker, workshops, significant planning -
Nov Outdoor Worship
connected with Winter Outdoor contemplative event -
Period: to
Year End Campaign
Dec Outdoor Worship