2000 BCE
Water Treatment Method
People thought that heating water would purify it. The major motive was to be able to get better tasting water, because they could tell the difference between foul and clean water. (Ancient Greek & India) -
1500 BCE
Principal of Coagulation
The Egyptians first discovered this. They applied the chemical alum for suspended particle settlememt. -
500 BCE
Bag Filter
Hippocrates discovered the healing power of water. he obtained the first bag filter, which can also be called to 'Hippocratic sleeve'. This was used to trap sediments that caused bad odours or taste. -
300 BCE
Aqueducts & Archimedes
Rome built it's first aqueducts, and Archimedes invented his water screw. -
Water Treatment History Continued
Sir Frances Bacon started experimenting with seawater desalination. He tried to remove salt particles by means of an unsophisticated form of sand filtration. It didn't exactly work. -
First Water Filters for Domestic Application was applied
These were made of wool, sponge, and charcoal. -
First Municipal Water Treatment
It was first actual municipal water Treatment plant, was designed by Robert Thom. It was built in Scotland. This particular water treatment was based on slow sand filtration. -
Cholera Epidemic
Cholera Epidemic spread through water. John Snow, a British scientist, found that the cause of this was water pump contamination by sewage water. He applied chlorine to purify it. However, it did not mean that it was safe to drink. -
Sand Filters
America started to create large sand filters to protect public health. Rapid sand filtration was now applied. -
Water Softening
It was invented as a technique for water desalination. Cations were removed from water by exchanging them by sodium or other cations. -
Drinking Water Standards
They were implemented for drinking water supplies in public traffic. -
Public Health Concerns
Public Health Concerns shifted from waterborne illnesses caused by disease-causing micro organisms, to anthropogenic water pollution. -
Safe Drinking Water Act Was formulated. They developed that every person in the world had the right to drink clean water. -
Membrane Development
Membrane development for reverse osmosis was added to the list. -
Risk assessments
Risk assessments were enabled after 1990.