Water drop

Water Cycle

  • Evaporation

    Heat energy was added to water molecules and they phase change from a liquid to a gas. This process is called evaporation after the water molecules evaporate they rise into the atmosphere.
  • Period: to

    Water Cycle

  • Condensation

    Condensation is water freezing to form clouds such as cumulus, stratus, cirrus, and nimbus.The water is losing heat when condensing.
  • Precipitation

    Precipitation is condensed water vapour in the atmosphere that fall to the earth's surface in forms such as rain, sleet/hail, and snow. (see next event for info about snow)
  • Snowing

    Snowing is the freezing of condensed water molecules the fall to earth.
  • Runoff

    Runoff is a term used to describe the excess rain, hail, or melted snow that is somehow transported whether that's by a creek or a river that can take the water particles to the next large body of water to repeat the cycle again.
  • Phases

    Solid- Solid water particles are close together but they still vibrate in place. Liquid- Liquid water particles are spread apart but not more than a gas; the particles move around eachother at a fast pace. Gas- Gas particles are extremely spread apart and the move around eachother the fastest out of the three phases.