Limits to Growth report published by The Club of Rome
International Conference on Environment and Economics (OECD) report concludes that the environment and economics should be mutually reinforcing.
U.K. National Waste Strategy
U.K. National Industrial Symbiosis Programme launches.
Choosing Our Future: Scotland's Sustainable Development Strategy
Scottish Government established New Recycling Targets
EU Raw Materials Commission strives for increasing resource efficiency and promoting recycling to reduce the EU's consumption of raw materials.
Scotland Zero Waste Plan
Resource Efficient Europe programme launched.
Waste Regulations passed by Scottish Government
Resource Efficient Scotland Programme.
European Commissioner for Environment, Janez Potocnik, introduced term 'circular economy' to the Scottish Parliament's Committee on Rural Affairs, Climate Change, and the Environment.
Safeguarding Scotland's Resources Programme.
Scottish Government invites Walter Stahel to give evidence, and commissions a study to assess the challenges and opportunities for a circular economy
Scottish Parliament Information Centre's report is published outlining opportunities for the circular economy in Scotland.
Growing a Circular Economy: Ending the Throwaway Society, a U.K. parliament report.
Growth Within: A Circular Economy Vision for a Competitive Europe, report published by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.
The Single Use Carrier Bags Charge legislation is enacted by U.K. parliament
Scottish Government's Charter for Household Recycling report.
Scottish Government's Manufacturing Action Plan.
Making Things Last, the concluding report of the Scottish Government's three-year consultation becomes the official circular economy report for the Scottish Government.