BigBelly Solar bins
As the bin will automatically compact the rubbish, reducing the size of the rubbish and it is run by solar power. Then it has a wireless device inside each of the bin that transmits to the waste management department which indicates that the bin is full and needs to be emptied. This technology is to reduced rubbish being held in bins across the city and makes the city cleaner and more cost efficient due to less travel to empty the bins. -
India's roads with old plastic
In India the never ending amount of plastic rubbish was growing so a professor from Thiagarajar Engineering College in Madurai found a use for the plastic. The plastic is used to bind the gravel instead of using bitumen and then made into roads. Dr Rajagopalan Vasudevan first tried the product out around the college campus where they laid 60 feet of the grey road, he gave the innovative technique to the Indian government for free. -
Plastic Oil Bottle Recycling
This generator which separates the oil form plastic with absorbents or gas solvent. Afterwards, the plastic will be shredded. The aim of this project, executed by John Markiewicz, is to minimize environmental waste with regard to oil. It combines recycling plastic as well as oil and it has varies sizes from do it yourself to automated machines so that it fits the needs of customers -
Enevo Sensor
The Enevo Sensor is designed by the company Enevo. Overall the sensor is the size of a hockey puck that is slotted at the lid of a waste bin.
The purpose of the project is to eliminate rubbish overflow from bins with their built in sensor and to only empty waste bins when they need to be.
The deliverable will be cutting down on maintenance of waste bins and the costs of waste disposal. -
RFID Food waste disposal system
In South Korea during 2012, food waste was becoming a huge issue. Bins would often be left outside of houses smelling of rotten food scraps that have been thrown away. In 2013, the Government in South Korea had spent $185.1 Billion WON towards the build of public machine facilities in encouragement of waste disposal. The waste disposal bins built have an access where food waste is disposed into then crushed up into powder, this powder is then able to be used for fertiliser -
INNOSORT is a project led by the Danish Technological Institute. Its purpose is to designate technologies which are able to separating waste with regard to chemical composition and form. They make use of new systems which are able to sort different kinds of waste better than before with the use of special sensors. It is able to sort waste by shape and composition and it eliminates waste which is damaging to health and environment. -
Flight Plastics PET Recycling plant
To create a local PET recycling plant that allows the cleaning of recycled PET plastic which then is used to produce recycled PET sheet. The RPET sheets are then used in the production of food trays. Upon the completion of the plant Flight Plastics will have a fully integrated system that can produce recycled PET, create PET sheets for the use of manufacturing PET food trays, and no longer will need to import recycled PET. -
ZenRobotics 3rd Generation RoboticSorting System for Recycling
ZenRobotics, a Finnish firm specialising in the use of robotics in the recycling industry, has designed and produced a new upgrade to its robotic waste sorting system, ZenRobotics Recycler (ZRR). The main component of the new upgrade is THIRD ARM AND ALLOWANCE for 6000 picks per hour. The robotic recycling system has been trained to sort waste fractions at customers’ sites. The first three-armed robot system went into operation in Australia in January 2017 -
New Zealand Rural Waste Minimisation Project
The New Zealand Rural Waste Minimisation Project is one of Environment Canterbury (ECan) various studies related to quantities and types of waste generated on farms in the Canterbury region. It has been run “to better understand the nature of waste on farms and to begin to identify alternatives to burning, burial and bulk storage of waste”. -
Rubbish Bin Level Sensing
As part of the Christchurch City Councils Smart City programme a rapid proof concept project was setup to measure the level of rubbish bins around the city as overflowing rubbish bins are a frequent source of complaints. The level sensors will detect the level of rubbish in the bin and transmit this to monitoring system, when the bin reaches a certain level the collection contractor will be notified. -
Wilton Recycled Water Treatment Plant - UV Guard
The Wilton recycled water treatment plan is a project created by UV guard - Water & Air Purification.
The deliverable is to use the recycled water for the purpose of irrigation on the golf course as well for the flushing of toilets on the premises
The purpose of this project is to help reduce water waste and use the recycled water for other uses such as farming irrigation -
Dubai Wastenizer Project
Dubai is aiming at becoming waste free within the next 2 years by using artificial intelligence and high-tech innovations. The Wastenizer project plans to turn waste into clean energy by decentralized waste treatment units integrated within buildings and communities. The byproduct of burning the waste is that the ash can be used in the production of green concrete.
The pilot phase is the first step towards full implementation in serval regions of the emirates in 2020. -
E-bus 2020: In Motion Charging
Vossloh Kiepe GmbH develops an E-Bus with will be used for public transport purposes. This bus will be able to drive outside its common area with the use of appropriate batteries and so improve the sustainability of public transport in the future. The energy needed will be charged my motion. The amount of energy which not will be needed and used will be available for customers to charge for example their electric car. -
The Lyttelton Harbour Wastewater Scheme
Christchurch City Council (CCC) executed this project in order to meet discharge consents from Governors Bay, Diamond Harbour, and Lyttelton and approved a new scheme to pump untreated wastewater from Lyttelton, Governors Bay, and Diamond Harbour to the Christchurch Treatment Plant. in Christchurch. This project commenced in September 2017 and the whole project has to finish in 2021 due to restrictions in the resource consent dates. -
Deep Tunnel Sewerage System (DTSS)
Singapore’s Government wanted a long term plan for the clean water for the entire country. The system that was designed will collect all the rain from all over Singapore and collect all the used water as well. This will ensure the country sustainability for the future against any water shortage due to changing weather patterns or climate change.