Discussion on the action chosen
We were asked to choose an action related to an environment issue. Therefore, we thought about collecting waste from local stores while raising awareness to recycling habits. -
Contacting the shopowners
We went to the three shops, "Multisabores", "Sapataria Caetano" and "Flor de Papel" to ask for collaboration of its owners on collecting respectively, metal cans, cardboards and boxes, and plastic. -
1st selection and collection of rubbish
Tuesday the 21st, after we left school, we collected trash for the first time on "Multisabores" and "Sapataria Caetano". We brought 2 packages of card boxes and a nice plastic bag with about 2 dozens of cans. -
2nd selection and collection of rubbish
Thursday the 23rd, at 5 pm, we collected some amount of litter, again on "Multisabores" and "Sapataria Caetano". We brought lots of new cans and card waste from their stores, and the owners happily contributed. -
3rd selection and collection of rubbish
Thursday the 30th we finished collecting the waste on the stationery "Flor de Papel", We brought a sack full of plastic wastage. This garbage was originated during an entire week of the store's operation. -
Placement of the collected materials in the Sátão's recycling centre
Our group "Pastéis de Nata" finished the proposed action, by throwing out all the waste. We were driven to the recycling centre where we delivered the rubbish into the appropriate place. -
Plastic delivery
Delivering the plastic from Papelaria Flor de Papel. -
Metal cans delivering
Delivering the metal cans from Multisabores -
Cardboard boxes delivery
Delivering the cardboard boxes from Caetano ShoeShop