My Life In Movies

  • High School Musical (Setting)

    Technically, I didn't watch it when I was this young but my family watched it as soon as it came out. My sister would always dance with it because we watch videos from when we were younger. Then when I was about 3 we would go all through our house dancing to this movie. But it takes place in a school and there is a good amount of singing, basketball, and math involved in this movie and I do all.
  • Shrek (Character)

    I started watching this movie when I was about 3 years old because my sister really liked this so we watched it a lot but I don't remember a lot from when I was younger so I have also watched it pretty recently within a couple of years. I feel that I can be like Donkey sometimes because he is very loud and doesn´t stop talking. He also loves waffles and I do too. I have them every morning.
  • Barnyard (Setting)

    I watched this movie as a kid and really liked watching it.This reminds me of my childhood because I used to live where there were a lot of fields and farms. I was in Indiana since I was about 4 so I don't remember much from them but I do remember that.
  • Finding Nemo (Character)

    I started watching Finding Nemo when I was about 4 years old just because it was my mom's favorite movie. I chose Finding Nemo because I am like the character Dory. I am very childish and outgoing. I also seem to forget a lot of things because I can be a little dumb sometimes. I never seem to remember anything I did a couple days ago and I feel that Dory is like that as well.
  • The Bee Movie (Scene)

    When I was younger, I went to a mini golf place and when I went to go pick up the ball from the hole, a bee flew up my shirt and stung me. It hurt and then when it was on the ground, I was trying to kill it. This reminded me of a scene when a guy from The Bee Movie was allergic to bees and was trying to kill it just like I was.
  • Hotel For Dogs (Title)

    This is another movie that I used to watch all the time when I was a kid. When I was younger, my dream was to become a dog when I was older. I either wanted to be a dog or run a hotel for dogs so that is why I loved this movie so much. I was getting advice for my future job.
  • Spongebob Squarepants (Quotes)

    I was either 6 or 7 when I first watched this movie. Spongebob used to be my favorite show when I was younger and that's all I would really watch. I apparently take a long time to get things done and my mom usually says something like ¨4 hours later¨ just like the narrator from spongebob does.
  • Pitch Perfect (Scene)

    When I was three years old, I threw up on Christmas and for some odd reason, it made me think of the Pitch Perfect scene when Aubrey threw up in the middle of the stage. She was reminded very often how that happened and I am too from my family since they thought it was so funny and they tend to make fun of me. I started watching this movie when I was about 8 and can recite almost the whole movie while watching it.
  • Dumb and Dumber (Title)

    My mom told me to write this one but it does fit me a little bit. I can be a little dumb sometimes and just need this repeated to me sometimes. I usually listen and hear the people talking to me but I still don't remember after a while. This movie is very goofy and when I am with certain people, I am very crazy and have a lot of energy.
  • Kicking and Screaming (Setting)

    This movie is about soccer and not a great soccer team. When I was younger, my rec team was my closest friends and spent a lot of time with them. We acted very dumb and silly a lot and seemed to trip over the ball since we didn´t know exactly how to play at the time.
  • National Lampoons Christmas Vacation (Quotes)

    I was about 10 when I first watched this movie and I have watched it at least twice a year as tradition. My dog, Peanut, has been with us since we first moved to NH and ever since he makes weird noises haha. One of the quotes from that movie is ¨Ah, That's just snots yakking on a bone.¨ My family says this a lot when my dog is eating and when he makes one of his weird noises.
  • Inside Out (Character)

    I was about 10-11 when I used to watch this movie a lot. I relate to this movie because I was very angry and upset like the characters Anger and Sadness. Apparently when I was younger, I was a very angry baby. I used to cry because I was so upset all the time.
  • Remember the Titans (Scene)

    At the end of Remember the Titans, one of the players got in a car crash. I was in a car crash when I was with my mom and Grandparents and they had to go to the hospital while me and my mom were sitting by the wrecked car. I couldn't stop thinking about this event for more than a year and till this day, I still think about it whenever car crashes or wrecks come up.
  • Friday (Quotes)

    There are sadly a lot of quotes that my family uses from this movie. One is “Bye Felicia” which my family used to say a lot a couple years ago when someone left or walked away. Another quote from Friday is when someone would call out “Smokey” (A guy's name was Smokey). This reminds me of when I was younger and all I would want to play is mom and dad with my parents. Instead of being a baby or kid of the mom and dad, I would want to be a dog named Smokey.
  • Concussion (Title)

    I only watched this movie once but I think it shows a large portion of my life. As you may know, I have had a lot of concussions in my life from basketball, soccer or just walking into a wall. This has affected my participation in school, sports, and social events with friends and really has changed my life.