Lead in water
Lead levels of of 104 parts per billion are found in the tap water of LeeAnne Walters, a flint mother of four who demanded the city test her water after her kids showed troubling symptoms. -
Lead Levels
Follow up city tests, also using the pre flushing technique, find lead levels of nearly 400 pps - 27 times the EPA action threshold - in the Walters tap water. MDEQ blames the high lead level on the homes internal plumbing. -
Lead Poisoning
Blood test reveal that all of Walters four children were exposed to lead, and that Gavin, four years old, has lead poisoning. -
Bacteria found in water
E. coli and coliform bacteria are found in the flint water supply. The city instructs residents to boil tap water before drinking. -
General Motors
General motors says it will stop using flnt river water in its plants after workers notice that the water corrodes engine parts.