Waris and Shiela's Timeline

By shaqyy
  • Educational Books (Sound Books) - waris

    Educational Books (Sound Books) - waris
    Description: A textbook that help your child get to know sounds, words and language, and develop early literacy skills. Personal Insight: When I was a kid, my parents bought us educational book that when you open it, it has a sound or audio that I can easily imitate what the book says. That’s why it is very convenient because it teaches me and my brother how to pronounce the words correctly.
  • Walkie Talkie Toy - waris

    Walkie Talkie Toy - waris
    Description: A walkie-talkie is a small portable radio which you can talk into and hear messages through so that you can communicate with someone far away. Personal Insight: Walkie talkie is my favorite toy back then when my mother bought us this toy I am very amazed because I can communicate and hear my brother’s voice over that toy. We had a game like we are pretending that we are soldiers and we call each other where we are heading – like if there were enemies, it was a very fun experience.
  • Television - waris

    Television - waris
    Description: A system for transmitting visual images and sound that are reproduced on screens, chiefly used to broadcast programs for entertainment, information, and education. Personal Insight: 2005, when my parents exposed me with this thing because when I was kid I am very fond of watching movies, cartoons and teleseryes
  • Radio - waris

    Radio - waris
    Description: The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages. Personal Insight: I discovered this type of media when my grandmother bought radio so that she can easily be informed and hear the latest news while she was cooking.
  • Toy Phone - shiela

    Toy Phone - shiela
    Description: It is an item having a design of a phone on which it play songs once you pressed the numbers. Personal Insight: My mother bought this item when I was 5 years old for me to enjoy playing with the songs.
  • Television - shiela

    Television - shiela
    It is an electronic device used to receive sound and images which create television programs that people watch; a machine with a screen. Personal Insight:
    As far as I remember, I’m on my 5-year-old when I encounter this devices, radio and television. My mother will turn this early in the morning to listen news, jokes, and etc.
  • Camera - waris

    Camera - waris
    Description: A device for recording visual images in the form of photographs, film, or video signals. Personal Insight: Way back 2007, we owned a camera because when I was on my elementary years, I am part of the photo journalist and also my mother bought it so that we can capture memories especially if there is an occasion.
  • Laptop - shiela

    Laptop - shiela
    It is a computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling. It usually less than 3 inches thick weighing less than 5 pounds and powered by a battery. Personal Insight:
    This media, Laptop, was first introduce to me last 2007 on my 1st grade, 6-year-old. My mother bought this for her personal use. And as her daughter, I do play online games and stuff after school.
  • Cellphone - shiela

    Cellphone - shiela
    It is a small portable radio telephone; a hand phone; which uses to communicate over long distance without wires; play games and stuff. Personal Insight:
    The first time I encounter this device was when I’m on my first grade. I barely bring this at school to play games. But my mother buys phone for me when I’m on my 3rd grade.
  • Keypad Cellphone - waris

    Keypad Cellphone - waris
    Description: A portable usually cordless telephone for use in a cellular system. Personal Insight: 2008, my grandparents gave me a present and it was a keypad cellphone because this type of phone is very trendy that time and also it can help me to communicate with my family when I’m not around because I am fond of attending off-the-campus activities.
  • MP3 - waris

    MP3 - waris
    Description: An MP3 player or Digital Audio Player is an electronic device that can play digital audio files. Personal Insight: I discovered this gadget when my father bought it because the gift of music never goes out of style and he loves to listen and play music.
  • Xbox - waris

    Xbox - waris
    Description: Xbox is a video gaming brand created and owned by Microsoft of the United States. It represents a series of video game consoles developed by Microsoft Personal Insight: My brother and I are very fond of playing video games so my parents decided to buy as a Christmas present for the both of us because that time it was our source of happiness.
  • Tablet - shiela

    Tablet - shiela
    It is a mobile device, a wireless touch screen personal computer that is smaller than a notebook but larger than a smartphone. Personal Insight:
    My first known tablet device was on 2008. I've known it from my classmate because he always bring it at school.
  • Computer - shiela

    Computer - shiela
    It is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data; has 3 main parts: motherboard, CPU, and power supply. Personal Insight:
    2009, my first used of computer. This is the time I started exploring on the internet.
  • Newspapers - waris

    Newspapers - waris
    Description: a printed publication (usually issued daily or weekly) consisting of folded unstapled sheets and containing news, feature articles, advertisements, and correspondence. Personal Insight: On my elementary years, we had an activity and we are required to buy and find newspaper because it is where we can get information that is related to the said activity.
  • Storage Devices - shiela

    Storage Devices - shiela
    It is a piece on which information or files can be stored. Personal Insight:
    This storage devices such as flash drives, CD’s and etc was first introduce to me when I was on my 4th grade, 2010. Because I used flash drive to save my files or works whenever out teacher give us tasks or paper works that need to be print out. Also, this time I discovered another media which is a printer. A printer is a technology used to print out papers.
  • Camera - shiela

    Camera - shiela
    It is a device for capturing a photographic image or recording a video, using film or digital memory. Personal Insight:
    My father bought this device last 2010, on my 4th grade. And we used this every time in occasions such as birthdays, etc.
  • Laptop - waris

    Laptop - waris
    Description: portable computers that you can take with you and use in different environments. Personal Insight: My parents also bought a laptop for their birthday present for me and that was the time when I discovered social medias, games and stuff.
  • Computer - waris

    Computer - waris
    Description: an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. Personal Insight: 2010, when my mother bought computer for family used, where they are used for things such as listening to music, reading the news, watching movies, playing games and writing.
  • Telephone - waris

    Telephone - waris
    Description: A system for transmitting voices over a distance using wire or radio, by converting acoustic vibrations to electrical signals. Personal Insight: My grandparents owned a telephone because it is one and the best way to communicate with my grandmother’s sister abroad also when they will call offices for some important business.
  • Typewriter - shiela

    Typewriter - shiela
    It is a machine which has keys that are pressed in order to print letters, numbers, or other characters onto paper. Personal Insight:
    In 2011, this is the time I encounter Typewriter at my Aunt’s house. I was so amazed that time and I find it enjoyable whenever I pressed each keys because of its sounds.
  • Telephone - shiela

    Telephone - shiela
    It is a technology on which you can communicate to people through a call; with wires. Personal Insight:
    When we go a vacation to CDO.
  • Touch Screen Cellphones - waris

    Touch Screen Cellphones - waris
    Description: touch screen cellphones, a touch screen is a cellphone display screen that also acts as an input device that can be used in communicating. Personal Insight: 2012, my first touch screen cellphone and I used to take selfies, take photos and capture memories. And also it is used in communicating with my love ones.
  • Newspapers - shiela

    Newspapers - shiela
    It is a publication printed on paper issued regularly. It gives information or opinions about the current events and news. Personal Insight:
    Honestly I forgot when was the first time I discovered this kind of media. But as far as I remember, this was happen at school when our teacher asked us to bring newspapers for the activity. (Elementary grade)
  • Ipad

    Description: An iPad is a tablet PC designed by Apple Inc. IPad is mainly done through its touch-sensitive screen. Waris' Personal Insight: My parents bought IPad for my personal used and it also serves as their birthday present for me. It is also a very big help because by the used of it I can easily grasp information and announcement from school through the use of internet. Shiela's Personal Insight:
    I discovered iPad last 2013 when my cousin bring it on our family reunion.
  • iWatch - waris

    iWatch - waris
    Description: The Apple iWatch is a rumored smartwatch project that operates as a small "wearable computing" smartphone-type device that's worn on a user's wrist. Personal Insight: I discovered this type of gadget because when I was on my junior high years my classmates owned an iWatch and it is very high-tech watch because by the use of it, you can listen to music and you can do a lot of stuff using that watch.
  • Ring Video Doorbell - waris

    Ring Video Doorbell - waris
    Description: Ring is a home security company owned by Amazon. Ring manufactures a range of home security products that incorporate outdoor motion based cameras and doorbells, such as the Ring Video Doorbell. Personal Insight: Way back 2015, I discovered ring video doorbell when we visit a house and their door has a video doorbell wherein they can see whose outside their house for home security and also it was featured through advertisements.
  • Smart Television (Smart TV) - waris

    Smart Television (Smart TV) - waris
    Description: Television that allows users to stream any movie or TV show from popular streaming services, check sports, read the news, post to social media, listen to music, search for things online, control their home and play games — all on a much bigger screen. Personal Insight: I discovered smart tv through advertisements and also when we visit a store wherein there are different kinds of high-tech televisions where tvs can be connected to the internet.
  • Virtual Reality - waris

    Virtual Reality - waris
    Description: the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. Personal Insight: I discovered Virtual Reality through vlogs and any social media platforms.
  • Earpods - waris

    Earpods - waris
    Description: Apple EarPods are white in-ear headphones included with music players and smartphones designed and marketed by Apple Inc. Personal Insight: I discovered EarPods when I was scrolling through my facebook feed and twitter. Very often, I see runners, bikers, and skateboarders, my classmates wearing those iconic white EarPods.