
War or 1812

  • President Madison deal cease attacks

    President Madison deal cease attacks
    President Madison made a deal with France and Great Britain. If they stop attacking America they would stop trading with there enemy.
  • Napoleon's defeat in Europe

    The British commit more troops to the war in the U.S.
  • Battle of tippecanoe

    Battle of tippecanoe
    Taccumpsa was not ready to fight with the U.S.A. The were supposed to meet the next day but they were attacted by taccumpsa.
  • 1st time U.S crossed into Canada.

    1st time U.S crossed into Canada.
    After crossing the Niiagra River.
    They attacted Fort Erie.
  • 2nd time U.S crossed into Canada.

    2nd time U.S crossed into Canada.
    They were at war with the British
  • 3rd time U.S crossed into Canada.

    3rd time U.S crossed into Canada.
    The war ended when they left Canada.
  • The capture of British fleet on Lake Erie.

    He went to Pennsylvania and watched them.
  • British attack Washington D.C

    British burn down the Capitol and White House .