War on Terror

By knick
  • 911 attack

    911 attack
    Involved 19 militants associated with the Islamic extremist group (Al-Qaeda) who hijacked four airlines and carried out suicide attacks against targets in the US. over 3,000 people were killed in NYC and DC
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    Operation: Enduring Freedom

    a counterattack towards the al-Qaeda and other terrosists groups
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    Operation: New Dawn

    Suddam Hussein was identified as a serious threat to the US and troops were sent to stop him
  • Cargo planes bomb plot

    Cargo planes bomb plot
    Two packages which contained 11-14oz of plastic explosives along wih a detonator that the Al-Qaeda claimed to have planted on a UPS flight airline
  • Death of Osama

    Death of Osama
    Osama Bin Laden was killed by the Navy SEALs