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Impressment of Sailors
The impressment of sailors were the kidnappings of American sailors by the British Royal Navy. The people that forcibly took American sailors were known as press gangs, and they would find drunk sailors and kidnap them, saying that they were taking back British sailors that deserted their ships. Impressment of American soldiers also ties in with the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, and is one of the reasons that led up to the War of 1812. -
Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality
Washington’s Proclamation of Neutrality was an annoucement that President Washington saying that the United States were to be neutral on the war between France and Great Britian, meaning they were not taking either side. This was because the Untited States were not ready for another war since they had gained independence by fighting in a war about twenty years prior. -
Jay Treaty
The Jay Treaty was a treaty between the United States and Great Britain that maintained peace between the two countries, which kept America’s neutrality. The treaty also made it to where the United States were able to keep their economy stable. -
Washington’s Farewell Address
Washington’s Farewell Address was a letter written by President Washington near the end of his second term that let the country know that he was not going to serve for another term. In this address, he warned the country agaisnt political parties, saying that doing so would divide and destroy the country and remaining neutral in foreign affairs would benefit the United States as it would keep the country out of unecessary conlfict. -
Chesapeake-Leopard Affair
The Chesapeake-Leopard affair was an event where the USS Chesapeake in Norfolk, Virginia was attacked by the British ship the HMS Leopard. The aim of this attack was to take back British Navy deserters that were on the USS Chesapeake. Because of this, multiple people on the Chesapeake were killed after those on the Leopard opened fire. One British deserter was taken back, and three Americans were impressed into working on British naval vessels. -
Embargo Act 1807
The Embargo Act of 1807 was an attempt to stop American goods from being traded with the French and British. The purpose of this was to stop the impressing of American seamen by both nations and to cripple their economy from not being imported American goods. This backfired however, as the British and French were able to get the goods they needed from elsewhere and instead crippled the American economy. All Americans were effected by this, especially the working class and the poor. -
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War Hawks
The War Hawks were a group of Republican Congressmen who wanted Congress to declare war on the British. This was because they wanted the British to stop giving support to the Native Americans, stop impressing American seamen, and to drive the British out of Canada. -
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Tecumseh (1811)
The conflict that involved Native American Chief Tecumseh was knwon at the Tecumseh Rebellion. Tecumseh wanted to negotiate with the United States government to stop expanding into Native territory. This did not work however, and went conflict broke out, Tecumseh and his confederacy fled to the north to ally with the British. Eventually, the United States won the conflict and dissolved the confederacy Tecumseh made. -
Tecumseh (War of 1812)
During the War of 1812, Tecumseh allied with the British to fight the United States. He led his confederacy against the United States want of expanding into their lands. During the Battle of the Thames however, Tecumseh was killed and his confederacy fell apart. -
War of 1812 Begins
The War of 1812 was a war fought between the United States and the British along with the Native Americans. Some of the reasons that led up to this war were the impressment of American seamen, America wanting to settle further into other countries/tribes land, and American trade and their economy being driven into the ground. The war ended on Feburary 18, 1815 with the British winning the war. -
Hartford Convention
The Hartford Convention was a secret meeting between Federalists delegates to propose amendments to the Constitution that would get rid of the Three-Fifths Compromise, make it to where 2/3 of the Senate had to agree to declare war, and delay embargos by sixty days. -
Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent is the peace treaty that was signed between the United States and Britain. This treaty ended the War of 1812, and was put into effect in Febuary of 1815. In the treaty, it said that all land that was conquered was to be returned, and a settlement boundary was to be made between the United States and Canada. The treaty also led to the ending of the slave trade in America and Britain. -
Battle of New Orleans
Since the British wanted to gain some of the territory that the United States gained during the Louisiana Purchase, they went into New Orleans in hopes that they could take it over. Andrew Jackson led the American army through this battle, which, they eventually won. This was a huge victory, since New Orleans was such an important part to trade for the United States.