Mezzanine 563

War of 1812 - Haps and Mishaps

  • Hull's Proclamation

    Hull's Proclamation
    General William Hull issues a proclamation to the "Inhabitants of Canada!", trying to convince them to fight with the Americans against the British. Unfortunately, his plan backfires, for the Candaians weren't as welcoming of the invading Amercians as he expected.
  • Surrender of Detroit

    Surrender of Detroit
    Sir Isaac Brock, a commander of forces in upper Canada, gets General Hull to surrender Detroit by forming alliances with Native Americans and their leader Tecumseh. This causes Hull to be sentenced to death, but President Madison commutes it.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    Battle of Queenston Heights
    General Stephen Van Rennsselaer leads American forces across the Niagara River into Canada, where they battle with British forces at Queenston Hights, Ontario. This was the second major battle of the War of 1812. New York state militia refuse to follow Van Rennsselaer across the border, claiming that they are only required to fight on New York soil. As a result, the Americans are defeated and 900 American soldiers are captured.
  • Battle of Raisin River

    Battle of Raisin River
    Led by General Winchester, Kentucky troops were supposed to drive the British / Natives from Frenchtown. They succeed in dispersing a small group, and settling in a house (quarters). However, the next day, British and Native troops led by Colonel Henry Procter made a suprise attack on the Americans, and Winchester, after being captured, had to surrender his army.
  • Laura Secord

    Laura Secord
    "Heroine of Beaver Dams"; she was a Canadian woman who heard that the Americans were planning a surprise attack on the British forces. Becasue her husband was injured and couldn't convey the message, she set out to do it herself. Afraid of running into American soldiers on the way, she decided to take the path through the woods. She ended up walking 12 miles barefoot. She succeeded with her mission, and two days later, the American troops were ambushed near Beaver Dams.
    Photo: http://en.wikipedi
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    Captain Oliver Hazard Perry leads ten ships against six British vessels on Lake Erie. A fierce ten-hour naval battle ends with defeat of the British, giving the United States control over Lake Erie for the duration of the war. Perry announces the American victory: "We have met the enemy and they are ours."
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    General William Henry Harrison leads a force of 4500 Americans across the recently secured Lake Erie in pursuit of the British troops who were forced to abandon Detroit. The Americans were tired of losing, and they defeated the British and their Indian allies. Tecumseh is killed in the battle, leading many of Britain's Indian allies to abandon the alliance.
  • Battle of the Chateauguay

    Battle of the Chateauguay
    Even though outnumbered, the British won in this battle. The Americans were trying to invade Canada, but their were defeated by the troops led by Canadian British Officer, Colonel Charles de Salaberry.This battle was one of the two battles (the other is the Battle of Crysler's Farm) that caused the Americans to abandon the St Lawrence Campaign.
  • Battle of Chippewa

    Battle of Chippewa
    The American forces were tired of constantly losing at Canadian borders and land. They made adjustments to their tactics and faught the British led by General Winfield Scott. Just as they had hoped, they indeed did defeat the British in this batle. It was located around Fort Erie.
  • White House Burned

    White House Burned
    British forces capture Washington, D.C. The White House, the Capitol, and executive department offices are burned. Secretary of War John Armstrong, is blamed for the poor planning and intelligence that has left America's capital poorly defended; he is then forced to resign.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    Ended the war between the Americans and the British. It returned all teritory to what it originally was and no one lost anything.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    A month before news of the treaty reaches North America, the US wins its greatest military victory of the conflict in this battle. It is lead by Andrew Jackson, who later regarded as a hero, leading eventually to his election to the presidency in 1828.