War of 1812 Thing

  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    A battle that resulted in Prophetstown being burned to the ground.
  • U.S. Declares War on Great Britain

    The U.S declared war on Great Britain over the British intercepting U.S ships.
  • Fort Michilimackinac surrenders to the British

    Sir Isaac Brock ordered the capture of Mackinac Island. The fort was surrendered without bloodshed.
  • Battle of Queenston Heights

    The battle was fought as the result of an American attempt to establish a foothold on the Canadian side of the Niagara River
  • Battle of River Raisin

    a series of conflicts in Michigan that took place from January 18–23, 1813
  • Siege of Fort Meigs

    A small British Army unit with support from Indians attempted to capture the recently constructed fort to stop an American attack against Detroit
  • Battle at Sackets Harbor

    A British force was transported across Lake Ontario and attempted to capture the town
  • Battle of the Thames

    British troops had occupied Detroit until the United States Navy gained control of Lake Erie, cutting them off from their supplies. They were forced to retreat north up the Thames River followed by the Indians who were his allies. The American army drove off the British and then defeated the Indians
  • Capture of Fort Niagara

    The United Kingdom attacked Fort Niagara. The American army was taken by surprise, and the fort was captured in a night assault by a select force of the British army.
  • Battle of Lundy’s Lane

    No one "won" this battle, but the Americans withdrew because of heavy losses.
  • Battle of Bladensburg

    The British Army attacked U.S Army Troops and won. The American defeat resulted in the capture and burning of Washington
  • Burning of Washington D.C.

    This was an invasion of Washington D.C by the British in which they burned the capital.
  • Bombardment of Fort McHenry

    This was the failed invasion attempt by the British Army to take over Fort McHenry
  • Treaty of Ghent

    The Treaty of Ghent was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812 between the United States and the United Kingdom
  • The Battle of New Orleans

    The Battle of New Orleans was a battle between the United States and United Kingdom. The United Kingdom suffered around 2,000 casualties while the U.S suffered 60.