War of 1812

  • the date of that US Navel Commander Oliver Hazard Perry captured a British fleet on Lake Erie

    Harrison decided that the Americans could no headway into Canada as long as the British controlled Lake Erie.
  • Madison deal

    President Madison offering France and Great Britain a deal: if the agree to cease attack on American ships , the US will stop trading with their enemy
  • Battle of Tippecanoe Creek

    The Battle of Tippecanoe was declared a glorious victory for the Americans.
  • The war ends

    Napoleon´s defeat in Europe , allowing the British to commit more troops to the war in the U.S.
  • Attack on Washington ,D.C.

    British set the capitol and the white house on fire
  • battle of Thames river

    the united states wanted the British of the Ohio lake
  • British attack baltimore

    the British wanted to attack the united states
  • battle of new orleans

    the British wanted to destroy the united states ship so they could n,t attack