War of 1812

  • American declares war on British

    James Madison gave congress a reason to declare war. After many days, the U.S House of representative agrees and declare war.
  • America invades Canada

    William Hull attempts to invade Canada but fails and retreats to Fort Detroit.
  • General William Hull surrenders to General Isaac Brock

    Willam Hulls surrenders to Issac Brock in Fort Detroit.
  • Burning of Yorktown

    When the U.S captures Yorktown then burnt it down.
  • Battle at Lake Erie

    Commander Oliver Hazard Perry defeats the British Royal Navy. This gave the U.S back Detroit and helped break Tesecumsah confederation
  • Tecumseh death

    Tecumseh died in the Battle of Thames. His death made the British loose alliance with the Indians.
  • Burning of Washington D.C

    The British captures Washington D.C, then burns it down because of Yorktown. President James Madison was able to flee on time.
  • Battle of Baltimore

    The battle ended in an American victory and gave us our national anthem.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    American and British treaty to make it the way it was before the war.
  • Andrew Jackson Battle at New Orleans

    Andrew Jackson defeates the British.
  • Treaty of Ghent Ratified

    The Treaty of Ghent is ratified ending the war.