
War of 1812

  • Jefferson is reelected

    Soon after his releection Great Britian and France were at war.That war effected American trade. Jefferson's opponant was John Adams a Fedralist. While Jefferson was a Democratic Republican
  • Emargo Act

    the Emargo Act prohibited trade with any other country. This act targeted Great Britian. This banned imports and exports to all foereign countries.This purpose was to prevent Americans from using other countries as go-betweens for forbidden trade.
  • Madison became president

    Republicans chose James Madison from Virginia, as there candidate. The Fedralists hoped that the Emargo Act would help Charles Pinckney win. Pinckney carried most of New England's votes, but gained little support from other regions. So in the end Madison won woth a total of 122 votes, with Pinckney receiving only 47 votes.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Harrison attacked Prophetstown, while Tecumseh was away tring to expand the Confederacy. The battle was a victory for the Americans. After the battle, Tecumseh joined forces with the British, which then supplied the Confederacy with guns.
  • War of 1812 begins

    Madison learned we could not avoid war any longer, he asked Congress to declare war. British already ended there policy of searching American ships. But the news reached Washington, D.C. to late, the war could not be stopped.
  • Battle at Lake Erie

    The commander of the Lake Erie naval force, had orders to seize Lake Erie. On September 10, when British sailed out to face Americans. The bloody battle ended in the Americans destroying the British naval force.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    Tecumseh was killed in the Battle of the Thames. The Native American allies try to pull back from the Detroit area. But Harrison and his troops cut them off.
  • British burn Washington, D.C.

    British burn Washington, D.C.
    After the French war was over, British sent more troops to America. They sailed to Chesapeake Bay and attacked Washington, D.C.
  • Battle of Lake Champlain

    The British general sent more than 10,000 British soldiers to capture Plattsburgh. The American naval force on Lake Champlain defeated the British. THey feared the Americans would surround them so they retreated to Canada.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The treaty didn't change any borders, it was a peace agreement. The American and British met in Ghent, Belgium to sign the agreement.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    This battle happened before word of the treaty had reached the United States. The British advanced on New Orleans, but Andrew Jackson, and his troops were waiting for him. Our troops hid behind hay, which absorbed the British bullets.