war of 1812

  • president madison takes office

    president madison takes office
    Americans were angry at britian for arming Native Americansin the northwest
  • war hawks take power

    war hawks take power
    opposittion to warstrongest in New England thought the war would upset american trade
  • relations with great Britian worsen

    relations with great Britian worsen
    Great Britian told america to keep impressing soilders
  • congress declares war aganst great Brtian

    congress declares war aganst great Brtian
    the war did not come at a good time for britian in war with Europe but britian was not able to meet the demands
  • America is not ready for war

    America is not ready for war
    becau8sxe of jeffersons cuts we olny had 16 war ships ready to go and olny 7000 soilders
  • Britian blockades American ports

    Britian blockades American ports
    the british blockades the american coast and soon their ports
  • invasion of canda

    invasion of canda
    under genral willam hull invaded canda from detriot hull was unsear og him self he feared he didnt have enought soilders
  • uss constitution scores a victory

    uss constitution scores a victory
    us fought a 3 hour fight oliver hazared perry was he commander evertime his ship was damged he would swith to a new one
  • battle of lake Erie

    battle of lake Erie
    A key three hour battle in the westeren part of the bay the commander would switch ships evertime his was badly damged and keep on fighting
  • battle of houresshoe blend

    battle of houresshoe blend
    jackson defaeted the creek at the battle of houreshoe blend the treaty at the end of the fight made them give up millions of their land
  • Washington D.C. Attacked abd burned

    Washington D.C. Attacked abd burned
    the New britian stragey wa sto attack and burn down the nations captill the president wife collected all of her husbans important paper and fleed
  • writeing of the star spangled banner

    writeing of the star spangled banner
    told a story of the nights watch
  • hartford convation

    hartford convation
    some of the delegates at the hartford connvetion suggest that New Egland secede from americxan the comvetion soon ended when they heard of the traty
  • treaty of ghent

    treaty of ghent
    if the two sides sign the treaty the war would be over
  • battle of bew orleans

    battle of bew orleans
    Genrale Andrew jackson won a stunning victory over the britsh at the battle of new orleans