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War of 1812

  • Jefferson is reelected

    Jefferson is reelected
    Thomas Jefferson was reelected in 1804. The country was at peace, but that was soon to change.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    When Britian violated some of America's neutral rights, President Jefferson banned some trade with them. But after the attack on Chesapeake, congress passed the Embargo Act in 1807. The Embargo Act targeted Great Brittain, but the embargo prohibits trade with ALL other countries. This soon failed, many people lost their jobs and unemployment became a problem. Some people lost sales and others couldn't get the trading goods they needed. Congress repealed the Embargo Act in 1809.
  • Madison Became President

    Madison Became President
    After Jefferson made it clear he would not run for a third term, the republicans chose James madison from Virginia as their canidate, and the federalists chose Charles Pinckney as theirs. Madison won the election with 122 votes and Pinkney with only 47.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe

    Battle of Tippecanoe
    American settlers where moving west into land that was guaranteed to the Native Americans. As tensions grew, some Native Americans got back in contact with British agents. Tecumseh, a powerful Shawnee cheif, wanted to stop the settlers from moving into their land. The governer sent troops to attack Prophetstown while Tecumseh was away. Over two hours of battle later, the Prophet's forces retreated. The battle was a victory for the U.S. but with a cost, Tecumseh joined forces with Brittian.
  • War of 1812 Begins

    War of 1812 Begins
    When the war began, the War Hawks were certain that the U.S. would have an easy win, but the U.S. was not prepared. They had a small army with poorly trained soldiers. They also underesstimated the strength of the British and Nattive American allies. General William Hull surrendered Detroit fearing a massace b the Native Americans.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The American troops were trying to invade Canada, but were not succeding because lake Erie was in British control. Commander of the Lake Erie naval, Oliver Hazard Perry, was ordered to gather a fleet and seize the lake from the Brittish. The British had sailed out to America to face them. In the battle that followed Perry and his men defeated the British.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    With Lake Erie in American hands, the Native Americans and British allies backed out from the Detroit area, Harrison and his men cut them off. In the Battle of Thames Tecumseh was killed.
  • British Burn Washington, D.C.

    British Burn Washington, D.C.
    The Brisish fleat sailed into Chesapeake Bay and launched an attack on Washington, D.C. They quickkly overpowered American troops on the outskirts of the city, they set buildings on fire. Among those buildings were the Capitol and the White House. A thunderstorm set out the fires before they could destroy everything. The British then set north to Baltimore, but the people of Baltimore were ready and held their ground.
  • Battle of Lake Champlain

    While British armies attacked Washington and Baltimore, more soldiers were being lead to New York, the goal was to capture Pattsburgh. An American naval fleat was there waiting and defeated the British. The battle of Lake Champlain made the British realize that the war with America was costly and had little gain and was not worth it.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    American and British representatives met in Ghent, Belgium, to sign a peace agreement called the Treaty of Ghent. The Treaty of Ghent didn't change any borders of include impressment of soldiers, it was all a dead point after Napolian's defeat.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    This was the last battle of the War of 1812. It happended before word of the Treaty of Ghent came to the U.S. The British attacked new Orleans but Andrew Jaxson and his soldiers were ready and waiting for them. the British were no match for Jaxson's men who hid behind cotton bales which absorbed the bullets. As for the British, they were in the open, easy targets for the American soldiers. It was a short but grusome battle. Jaxson became a hero and his fame would later help him win the election.