War of 1812

  • Madison deal with France and britain

    Madison deal with France and britain
    In a private letter to Joel Barlow, an American diplomat in France, Madison discussed continuing restrictive French and British policies regarding neutral rights at the seas. President Madison thought this would help becoming friends with either side.
  • Napoleans defeat

    Napoleans defeat
    On December 31, 1810 the British began trade with Europe and Russia. Napolean was not happy with this decision and decided to sand an army to Russia. Instead ow fighting they retreated and Britain destroyed their land. Later that year the army found and won the battle against Russia.
  • Battle of Tippecanoe Creek

    Battle of Tippecanoe Creek
    After the new decade had come whites had been restricted to the east-most part of the soon to come US. Harrison and his men marched in to prophetstown. Not long afterwards they were greeted by natives that claimed this to represent Tenskwatawa. That created a conflict and a war broke out
  • 3 dates the U.S. crossed to Canada

    3 dates the U.S. crossed to Canada
    July 12, 1812 forces controlled by the General invaded Canada but quickly stopped. October 13, 1812 the Americans have lost another war at Qeenston Heights. November 10, 1812 th e US is heading toward the Canadian border for another invasion
  • Oliver's triumph

    Oliver's triumph
    September 10, 1813 as oliver is fighting on Lake Erie his forces are getting weak but he triumphed through the battle and captured the other fleet
  • British attack on D.C.

    British attack on D.C.
    American and Great Britain were not friends, to say the least. The whole war was centered around these people. After napoleans defeat, ( you can see that earlier in the timeline ) the British were set with more troops, giving them an advantage. As they marched toward the town citizens fled the city. The US troops stood but lost and felt the burn (get it? ) in the end of this one
  • Britain attacks Baltimore

    Britain attacks Baltimore
    Marching to an attack the British had a perfect plan none-the less. They would precisely attack and weaken their defenses by attacking fort mchenry their main defenses then waltz in and take over. First the attack on north point, then mchenry. They may have been beaten but long live the American flag.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The British army came to New Orleans looking for another victory. With another advantage of surprise and more troops. However Andrew Jackson , the general held them back and pulled through with the victory