War of 1812

  • Thomas Jefferson reelected

    Thomas jefferson ran against Charles pickney in the presidential election which Thomas Jefferson won in 1804. Jefferson swept the competion with a electoral vote of 162 to 14. Jefferson is part of the republican-democratic and Pickney was part of the Fedralist party.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law that prevented ships from entering or leaving the U.S. because of British and French taking over of U.S. ships
  • James Madison is elected president in 1808

    James Madison is elected president in 1808
    James Madison was elected in 1808 which he ran against Charles C.Pinckney of the Fedralist party.

  • Battle of Tippacanoe

    The Battle of Tippecanoe was between Indiana Territory and Native Americans accociatated with the tribe of Shawnee.
  • War of 1812 begins

    War of 1812 begins
    The War of 1812 was between the U.S. and Britain because Britain was capturing U.S. seamen , British attempts to restrict U.S. trade, and America's desire for more land.
  • Battle of Lake Erie 1813

    The Battke of Lake Erie was a major U.S. naval victory ensuring U.S. controll over Lake Erie from the British.
  • Battle of Thames 1813

    The Battle of Thames was fought in Ontario, Canada which the U.S. won from British and Indian forces which let the U.S. take controll of the Northwest
  • British burn Washinton D.C.

    The British burn D.C. after they make there from the Battle of Bladensberg. They burn many public bulidings including the White House and Capitol.
  • Battle at Lake Champlin 1814

    The purpose of the battle was so the Britis could split America in half. the U.S. won the battle which led to the ending of the war.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    This treaty between the British and U.S. to end the War of 1812 the Parliment passed it on the December 30 and the U.S. Senate didn't pass it untill January.
  • Battle at New Orleans 1815

    This battle was the last major battle of the War of 1812 which was led by Genral Andrew Jackson against the British who would later become our nations prsident.