How the war started
Organs of the war of 1812In Europe, France who was commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte was fighting a long war against Great Britian. Since it has been a really long war the British used their powerful navy to set up a sea blockade so that nobody can trade with France or give them supplies.The British didn't just block the American ships, they also took any British deserters and some Americans and forced them to work on their ships. The Americans couldn't stand it anymore so they declared war and set to invade Canada. -
A mere matter of marching
When the Americans declared war on the British, the Americans thought that it would be a mere matter of marching. An American army of 2000 men under General Hull set out to invade Canada. They went to Fort Detroit and would invade Canada from there. Before the Americans knew the war started on the frontier the British surrounded fort Michilimackinac. The Americans surrendered without a fight from fearing a massacre from the Natives. -
Why the Natives were on the British side.
The 3 main reasons that the Natives were on the British side.
First the Americans treated them poorly and broken many promises in the past. Second the Americans had many battles against them. some of the battles were the battle of Tipecanoe when the Americans burned the village. Third the Natives under the command of Tecumseh wanted there own united Nation. They believed that a British victory would get them there own territory. -
Sir Isaac Brock
General Isaac Brock of the British army marched to Detroit with 300 regular soilders, 400 militia, and 600 natives. The U.S. had 2500 men at Fort Detroit and hated the Natives. Before General Hull's army reached the fort General Brock had surrounded the fort. Since the Americans hated the Natives the surrendered without a fight. They didn't want a massacre to happen. General Brocks bluff worked because they didn't have a single person wounded or dead. -
The battle of queenston heights.
The Americans tried to invade upper Canada at Queenston heights. General Brock was in Fort George and he rode to the scene 7 miles away without his aides. When the Americans attacked, most of the Militia men refused to attack. they would only defend there land. A small group of American soilders found a fishing trail and followed it and attacked the British off guard. The British won the battle but they lost General Isaac Brock. -
Laura Secord
Laura second was the woman that walked 20 miles to warn the British about an upcoming attack from the Americans. One night she overheard the Americans talking about the attack and how they wouldn't even know that they were coming. So she traveled 20 miles or 32 km to warn the British LT James FitzGibbon about the attack. She died at age 93 in 1868. She also had Frank O'Conners name his enterprise after her. They also helped them sell the candy. -
The battle of Lake Erie
The battle begen with 6 American naval ships defeating 9 British ships. The Americans now had control of the lake wich forced the British to leave fort Detroit to avoid getting attacked. The Americans were led by commanding officer Admiral Perry. The lake became an American Lake. But at the end of the war the boundries were the same and it was an American and Canadian Lake again. -
The battle of the Thames river
With the death of Brock, General Proctor was left in charge. So General Proctor decided to abandon Fort Detroit. The natives were furious so Teucumseh tried to tell General Proctor to stand and fight, but he still abandond the Fort. Finnaly General Proctor decided to make a stand near present day Stratford. But the British troops were running out of food and water and became very hungry. But the worse thing was that they were running out of ammunition, so they couldn't fight much longer. -
The battle of Lundy's lane
This was the bloodiest battle of the war, it was fought in a cemetary in lundy's lane near Niagra falls. They were not able to tell who was there allies and who was there enemy. So wich meant that both sides killed there own men by accident. There was also traitors that joined the Americans. They were also called turncoats. They British were able to defend against the Americans and push them back. That is why it is the Bloodiest battle of the war. -
Treaty of Ghent
Both the Americans and the British were getting tired of the war. Since it was so long and so expensive that the decided the sign the Treaty of Ghent. It was signed December, 24, 1814. The Treaty meant that both sides gave back land and the bounderies were still the same. Also most of the things had to be returned to the people and land. -
The battle of New Orleans
Since the communication was slow back then even know that the Treaty was signed, there was one last battle. The Battle of New Orleans. It lasted from December, 24 1814 to Janurary 8 1815. This was the last battle of the war. It was when 6000 red coats were defeated. The Americans would have won the war if the Treaty of Ghent wasn't signed. -
Results of the war
Both British and Americans claimed that they won the war. But neither side had won the war because all land was given back and things were returned. All of the prisoners were allowed to go home. Also the British agreed to stop inspecting the American ships. There was one looser of the war, they were the Natives because they lost their dreams of having there own territory and Nation.