
War of 1812

  • Maddison offered France and Great Britain

    Maddison offered France and Great Britain
    British ships fired at U.S ships, wounded 18, killed 3. The 2 acts stopped trade, and at hurt the U.S. alot
  • Battle of tippecanoe

    Battle of tippecanoe
    Tecumseh was killed be Harrison's troops. Tenskwatawa's supporters rebuild the village.
  • Napoleons defeat in Europe

    Napoleons defeat in Europe
    1810 to 1814 was the date
  • 3 dates us crossed into Canada

    3 dates us crossed into Canada
    Sept 25 1812, October 13 1812, September 28 1812
  • U.S. naval commander Oliver hazzerd perry captured british fleet

    U.S. naval commander Oliver hazzerd perry captured british fleet
    May 5 1812. Was when he captured the flag
  • British attack Baltimore

    British attack Baltimore
    British Marched for along time. The March was 7 miles
  • The battle of New Orleans

    The battle of New Orleans
    Last long battle. Jackson won in just 30 min.
  • British attack Washington D.C.

    British attack Washington D.C.
    The president left the White House. Wright when the british army threatened them that they would go in the White House.