war if 1812
The War of 1812 was a military conflict, lasting for two-and-a-half years, between the U.S and Britian. U.S declaied war agaist Britian. -
Period: to
war of 1812
American enters Upper Canada
American army eneters Upper Canada for attack. -
British capture Fort Michelemackinac
Michilimackinac had its only military action during the war of 1812. -
battle of queenston heights
One of the most famous battles of the War of 1812, the battle for Queenston Heights was both a victory and a tragedy for the British and Canadian forces against the invading American army -
Americans capture York
Americans deffeted part sof the other army and captured the land of york. -
Americans destroy British ships on Lake Erie
The war on the water was an essential, if not the most important, aspect of the War of 1812. Great Britain was obviously at a disadvantage geographically when trying to defend its colony. -
battle of Thames River.
The Battle of the Thames, also known as the Battle of Moraviantown. The forces met near Moraviantown on the Thames River, a few miles east of what is now Thamesville. -
Americans set fire to the town of Newark
The loss by the British troops at the Battle of the Thames in Western Upper Canada had left the Niagara peninsula in a vulnerable state. Governor General Sir George Prevost ordered an evacuation of all of Upper Canada to better consolidate the remaining troops in the province. The Americans were quick to act on this withdrawal and reoccupied Queenston and Chippawa. Women and children stood in the cold December winter and watched 149 of their homes and everything they owned in the world burn down -
The Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent was signed in Ghent, Belgium, on Christmas Eve 1814 by Great Britain and the US to end the War of 1812. -
the last battle
At least 3,000 British troops attacked fewer than 400 U.S. troops inside Fort Bowyer because the word of the singing did not get to them yet.