Washington's Proclamation of Neutrality
Both France and Britain wanted America to join the war so they were attacking American ships. Decided to stay out of the war and remain neutral. -
Jay's Treaty
Britain was arming the natives, seizing ships, forcing Americans to join their navy, and had not evacuated Great Lakes area. John Jay was sent to England to negotiate with British government. Jay's Treaty was supposed to get British out and stop seizing ships, but didn't get retribution for sailors taken. Republican's didn't like the treaty. -
Impressment of Sailors
British would take Americans and force them to join the British Navy. This went on for most of the war and before it. -
Washington's Farewell Address
He said to avoid permanent alliances with foreign allies and not to split into political parties. -
Chesapeake- Leopard Affair
USS Chesapeake ship was poorly armed when the HMS Leopard decided to take revenge for having people desert it. When British commander demanded to search crew for deserters, captain refused. Killed 3 Americans and wounded 18. Americans were angry towards the British. -
Embargo Act of 1807
Made all exports from U.S. illegal in hopes to make Britain and France respect our trade more. -
War Hawks
Henry Clay was leader of the Western War Hawks, while John C. Calhoun was leader of Southern War Hawks. Wanted to go to war with Britain and wanted to take over Canada. -
General William Henry Harrison defeated Tecumseh at Battle of Tippecanoe. Caused Tecumseh to ally with the British. -
War of 1812 Begins
The day after Senate followed House of Representatives in voting to go to war, President signed declaration of war, and the War of 1812 had begun. -
Tecumseh (2)
At the Battle of Thames, Britain and Indians were defeated by Americans. Tecumseh was killed and the surviving Indians withdrew from the alliance. -
Hartford Convention
Secret meeting that lasted 3 weeks. Delegates from Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont, and New Hampshire legislatures discussed and drafted a protest against the war. If war doesn't end, Federalist states talked about succeeding from U.S. -
Treaty of Ghent
Ended War of 1812. Didn't resolve any of the things we went to war for. -
Battle of New Orleans
On December 24, 1814, a treaty was signed between Britain and U.S. that ended the war. News was slow to get to frontier though. Andrew Jackson led militia men, frontiersmen, slaves, Indians, and some pirates against the British. Victory for U.S. put Jackson into spotlight and helped foil plans for a British invasion on American frontier.