Washington's Proclamation Of Neutrality
During the war between Britain and France, Washington declared that America was going to be neutral and not be apart of the war. -
Jay Treaty
The Jay Treaty was Washington's way of trying to negotiate and make peace with Britain. Washington and Congress came up with the idea to keep America out of war and stop the seizing of ships. -
Washington's Farewell Address
Washington warns American citizens about a lot of things they should avoid in his farewell address. The big thing that he warned them about was going to war with foreign nations. -
Chesapeake Leopard Affair
Off the Coast of Norfolk, Virginia there a small naval war between Britain and America. The British boarded the USS Chesapeake and attacked the crew members. The commander of the frigate ended up surrendering to the British forces -
Embargo Act
Since we were having so much trouble with foreign nations with trade, Jefferson ended up passing this Embargo act. This act stop trade with foreign nations like France and Britain. In the end, the act failed since it hurt America more than Britain or France. -
War Hawks
These were people that were for the war of 1812. These congress members put a lot pressure on Madison to go to war against Britain. They wanted fur trade and finances from Canada. They also wanted to expand west without problems. Clay and Calhoun -
Tecumseh Joins the British Forces
During the war of 1812, Tecumseh, a Native American warrior, joined the British forces. He fought against the Americans in the war and was against America. He and his forces joined Britain so Britain would help them in during the war against the Americans -
Impressionist Of American Soldiers
The British Royal Navy was sending officers to American Ships to seize members to join the British Navy and force them to be apart of it. This was one the causes for the war. -
War of 1812 Begins
This started when Britain refused to stop seizing US ships that were trading with Britain. This caused the US to declare war -
Tecumseh Killed in Battle
During the War of 1812, Tecumseh was killed in battle. The battle being the Battle of Thames. His death led to the collapse of the alliance between Britain and the Natives. -
Hartford Convention
This was a series of meetings from December 15, 1814 to January 5, 1815. The meeting was meeting between New England federalists who didn't favor the war and feared land invasion. This convention resulted in a declaration which called on by the Federal government to protect the New England Financially and to support trade. It also wanted to change the the majority of 2/3 to declare war. This convention wasn't successful because the war ended during the convention. -
Treaty of Ghent
This was the peace treaty that ended the War of 1812. The treaty ended any hope for Britain to reclaim it's territory that it lost in the Revolutionary War. The treaty restricted trade with the British and helped America expand it's power. -
Battle of New Orleans
After the Treaty of Ghent was signed, word didn't make it to all the British Naval Forces. They were sailing the Gulf Coast and thought that if they could get a foothold in Louisiana they could separate it from America. However, a pirate, Jean Lafitte, warned America of their attack and America became ready for the attack. When the British arrived, they were met with US troops from Kentucky and Tennessee. In a short time, the Americans were able to make the British troops retreat.