Jefferson is reelected in 1804
When Jefferson was running for president, federlists kept trying to knock Jefferson out from being president. The compaign was rough and Jefferson was fighting his way through. And on the day he became president, he took a oath of office. -
Embargo Act 1807
The Congress passed the enbargo act, which didn't allow states to trade with each other. The embargo turned out to be a total flop. -
Madison Becomes President 1808
Jefferson thought that it would make sence to have a third candinate. Madison won the election, he got 122 votes. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
Harrison attacked Prophetstown, and Tecumseh was not there to protect them so many of them were killed. After two hours of fighting, the prophets ran away. -
War Of 1812 Begins
The War is starting to begin. The Americans are not ready for war at all. The soldiers are training to fight in war. -
Battle at Lake Erie 1813
All the boats faced each other on the lake, preparing to fire. The Perry asked General Harrison to say this "We have met the enemy and they are ours." -
Battle Of Thames 1813
Tecumseh was killed in the Battle of the Thames. But before he died, he talked with the creeks and the creeks where forced to give up their land fo the Natives. -
Battle at New Orleans 1814
There was one more battle at New Orleans. Andrew was already there with his troops. At the end of this battle, America won the battle. -
British Burn Washington D.C.
The British sailed over to Washington D.C. to wreck the building. The British set up fires to burn up the outside city, but apparently there was a thunderstorm and put all the fires out. -
Battle at Lake Clamplain
The British are still attacking Washington. The American Navel just won their war. But if us Americans keep fighting and war, we will earn more effort. -
Treaty of Ghent
American and British representatives all met to sign a peace treaty. The treaty did'nt change any borders along the states.