War of 1812

  • Order of The Council

    This is one of the few that would cause the war to happen. The order that the British council passed required neutral countries to obtain a license from their authorities before trading with France or French colonies. Which outraged the royal navy by removing seamen from U.S. merchant vessels and forcing them to serve on behalf of the British
  • Embargo Act - Non-Intercourse Act

    Where the U.S congress repealed the Embargo Act that restricted trade with had hurt the Americans more than France or Britain and replaced that act with the Non-Intercourse Act
  • Bill of May,1810

    This bill would that if either power dropped trade restrictions against the United States, Congress would in turn resume non-intercourse with the opposing power
  • Declaration of War

    Through congress, ultimately voted for the war, both House and Senate were bitterly divided on the issue. Most Western and Southern congressmen supported the war, while Federalists accused war advocates of using the excuse of maritime rights to promote their expansionist agenda.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Commodore Oliver Hazard Perry’s brilliant success in the Battle of Lake Erie in September 1813 placed the Northwest Territory firmly under American control.
  • Burning of the White house

    British forces raided the Chesapeake Bay and moved in on the U.S. capital, and captured Washington D.C. During this time of the capture, they burned down many government buildings including the White House.
  • Battle of Plattsburgh

    the American navy soundly defeated the British fleet
  • Baltimore’s Fort McHenry

    Baltimore’s Fort McHenry withstood 25 hours of bombardment by the British Navy. Then the following morning the fort’s soldiers hoisted an enormous American flag which was the inspiration for the U.S National Anthem.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    unaware that peace had been concluded, British forces mounted a major attack in the Battle of New Orleans, only to meet with defeat at the hands of future U.S. president Andrew Jackson’s army. This victory gave the U.S big morale and left Americans with the taste of victory even though the U.S did not complete any of its war objectives.