Jefferson is reelected in 1804
The nation was at peace----but trouble was brewing. Across the Alantic Ocean, Great Britain and France were fighting a war that treathened to interfere with American trade -
Emabrgo Act
The Embargo Act a prohibition or blocking of trade with a certent country.The act targeted Great Britain, but with the embargo banned imports from and exports to all forgien countries -
Madsison became President 1808
Madison won the presidency with 122 electoral votes. Pickney only recieved just 47 votes. -
Battle of Tippecanoe
Harrison attacked a village called tippencanoe.After the battle more than two hours of battle, the prophet's forces fled. -
War of 1812 begins
When the war began, the war hawks where confident America would win againts Britain.In reality, the Americans where unprepared for war. -
Battle of Thames 1813
The battle took place in America.The British blockades the coast. Perry defeats the British on Lake Erie, 1813. HArrison defeats British and Native Americans forces. -
Battle at Lake Erie 1813
With Lake Erie in American hands,the British and thier Native American allies tried tried topull back from the Detroit area. Harrison and his troops cutt them off. -
Treaty of Ghent
The Treaty of Ghent di not change any existing borders. There was no mention of the impressment of saliors. -
Britsih Burn Washinton, D.C.
British Troops Quickly took over and overpower Washinton D.C. They proceed to burn down everything. -
Battle at Lake Champlain 1814
The Battle of Champlain convinced the British that the war in North America was too Costly and unnecssary. -
Battle of New Orleans
This was the last battle berfore the word of the treaty spread. The u.s. achived a decivie victory to lead Andrew Jackson