War of 1812

  • Embargo Act Passed

    Embargo Act Passed
    The Embargo Act was significant because it stopped the United States from exporting or importing all goods to or from Britain. This was a problem because it caused the economy to crash and unemployment increased.
  • The United States Declares War

    The United States Declares War
    This is important because it is the first official war declared by the United States as an independent country. The documents were signed by James Madison, and it officially started the War of 1812.
  • Attack on York

    Attack on York
    This battle was important because it boosted American morale and spurred the want for expansion into Canada, making the Canadians agitated. The Battle was a win for the Americans and they took Fort York.
  • Siege of Fort Meigs

    Siege of Fort Meigs
    This siege was a terrible battle because the Kentuckians led a failed attack that led to many American deaths, around 600. Still, the American troops successfully defended the fort, so the British moved on.
  • Attack on Fort Mims

    Attack on Fort Mims
    This battle was an attack by Creek Indians on Fort Mim, Alabama, killing many civilians, and causing military action. This attack led to the Creek War.
  • Battle at Horseshoe Bend

    Battle at Horseshoe Bend
    This battle ended the Creek Resistance, which opened up the Mississippi Territory for settlement. This was a huge success because we gained a lot more land to use, and American families were no longer being killed. This battle, later on, caused the well-known "Trail of Tears"
  • Burning of Washington D.C.

    Burning of Washington D.C.
    On August 24th, British troops invaded Washington and started pillaging and burning buildings to the ground. They burned down the White House and many of the printing places. Luckily, Dolley, Madison saved a painting of Geoge Washington.
  • Battle of Fort McHenry

    Battle of Fort McHenry
    Francis Scott Key went to save his friend and other impressed American sailors from the British, but while in the process of saving them, he heard of their plans to surprise the Americans at Fort McHenry and wasn't allowed to leave. So, he and the other Americans, watched the battle from the boat, hoping they wouldn't see the American Flag go down.
  • Star-Spangled Banner

    Star-Spangled Banner
    After being released from the British and after witnessing the battle of Fort McHenry, Key felt inspired and wrote the poem that would soon become the country's national anthem.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    This treaty ended the War of 1812, however, didn't do anything in favour of either country. In other words, the war was pointless. It caused all conquered land to be returned and it created the boundary between the United States and Canada.