War of 1812

War of 1812

By melchun
  • Period: to

    War of 1812

  • President Madison Takes Office

    President Madison Takes Office
    James Madison was a quiet, smart man. He was very educated. He helped write the U.S. constitution and helped pass the Bill of Rights. His original plan was to keep the United States out of war. People thought his political approach was too timid. They felt that he should stand up to the Native Americans and foreign countries.
  • War Hawks Take Power

    War Hawks Take Power
    War Hawks were people that were eager for war with Britain. They had a strong sense of nationalism. Nationalism is pride or devotion to one's country. The War Hawks felt that the British were treating the United States as a British colony. They stirred anti-British feelings and kept insisting to go to war. Many of the War Hawks took over key positions which gave them power in the government.
  • Relations with Great Britain Worsen

    Relations with Great Britain Worsen
    The British were supplying guns and ammuntion to the Native Americans on the frontier. They encouraged the Native Americans to attack U.S. settlements. They also kept impressing American sailors. The U.S. and British also continued to disagree over trade. Then, the U.S. made an offer to France and Britain. If either country stopped seizing American ships, the United States would stop trading with the other nation. France took the offer and the United States stopped trading with Britain.
  • Congress Declares War on Britain

    Congress Declares War on Britain
    Many Americans were eager to go to war. The War Hawks urged that Congress prepare for a war against Britain. President James Madison wanted to stay out of war though. The House of Reprresentatives voted 79 to 49 in favor of war. The Senate voted 19 to 13. Americans soon discovered that winning the war wouldn't be very easy.
  • America is not Ready for War

    America is not Ready for War
    The American declaration of war took the British by suprise. War came at a bad time for Britain. America wasn't ready for war either because President Jefferson had believed in a small federal government, so the army and navy was small and ill equipped. Many of the officers in the army knew little about war and fighting tactics. But even though there were many problems, people believed that America needed to go to war to show Britain that they were not weak.
  • Britain Blockades American Ports

    Britain Blockades American Ports
    In the first days of the war, Britain blocked American ports on the coast of New England. A blockade is the action of shutting a port or road to prevent people or supplies from coming into an area or leaving it. Britain had 135 warships blockading American ports. When the British reinforced their troops, they were able to close off all American ports The American defenses were small in number with only 16 warships ready for action.
  • Invasion of Canada

    Invasion of Canada
    Many people thought that invadinging Canada would be easy. General William Hull moved American troops into Canada from Detroit. But Hull was unsure of himself and the number of soldiers he had. So he retreated. The British commander, General Iassac Brook, took advantage of this and surrounded Hull's army. They captured more than 2,000 American soldiers.
  • U.S.S. Constitution Scores a Victory

    U.S.S. Constitution Scores a Victory
    A major sea battle was fought at the beginning of the war. It was the U.S.S. Constitution vs. HMS Guerriere. The U.S.S. Constitution was nicknamed "Old Ironsides" because the British artillery fire bounced harmlessly off the ship's thick, wooden hull. For nearly an hour, the ships closed in on each other. Then the U.S.S. fired a barrage that tore off both of the Guerriere's masts.
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    The Battle of Lake Erie began at sunrise after the British left Amherstburg, the previous night. The American leader was Oliver Perry and the Brithish leader was Robert Barclay. During the battle, one of the American ships became badly damaged. But Perry switched ships an countinued fighting.The battle lasted 3 hours in Put-in-Bay. It ended up being an American victory.
  • Battle of Thames

    Battle of Thames
    The Battle of Thames is also known as the Battle of Moraviantown. It was fought on Candaidan soil. The American leader was William Harrison and the British leader was Henry Procter. The British were also allied with some Native Americans. The battle resulted to be an American victory and the death of the Shawnee chief Tecumeh.
  • Writing of the Star Spangled Banner

    Writing of the Star Spangled Banner
    The Star Spnagled Banner was written by Fancis Scott Key during the attack on Fort McHenry. At dawn, the American flag was still there. The Americans had beaten off the British! In 1931, Congress made the Satar Spangled Banner the United States national anthem. It is sung to the tune of an old British drinking song. The original flag during the battle can be seen at the Smithsonian Museum.
  • Horseshoe Bend

    Horseshoe Bend
    The Creek (Native American tribe) continued to fight against the settlers. Anrew Jackson, a Tennesse officer, took command of American troops in the Creek war. Jackson won a crushing victory, with help from the Cherokees.The leader of the Creeks walked aqlone into Jackson's camp to surrender. He said,"I am in your power. Do unto me as you please..... If I had an army I would fight and contend to the last........ But your people have destroyed my nation."
  • Washington D.C., Attacked and Burned

    Washington D.C., Attacked and Burned
    Britains new strategy was to attack the nation's capital. The British marched into the city.Dolly on gathered up the President's important papers and a portrait of George Wahington. Dolly fled south. The British set fire to several government bulidings including the white house.
  • Attack on Baltimore

    Attack on Baltimore
    After attacking Wahsington D.C., the British moved onto Baltimore. Their first objective was Fort McHenry, which defended the city's harbor. The British war ship bombarded the fort through out the night of September 13. In the morning the American flag was still there. This inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled Banner.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford Convention was a series of meetings from in Hartford, Connecticut. The New England delegates met to discuss their complaints about the War of 1812 and the political problems appearing from the federal government's growing power. They were upset that the war had damaged trade with Britian. They did not realize though,a ship was sailing across the Atlantic with news of a peace treaty.
  • Treaty of Ghent

    Treaty of Ghent
    The Treat of Ghent was a treaty signed in Ghent, Belgium. John Adams was there, he said, "Nothing was adjusted, nothing was settled". Britain and the United States agreed to restore prewar conditions. The treaty said nothing about impressment or neutrality. Impressment and neutrality faded due to the end of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe.
  • Battle of New Orleans

    Battle of New Orleans
    The Battle of New Orleans was the last major battle of the War of 1812. The American leader was Andrew Jackson and the British leader was Edward Pakenham. The battle was fought on the Plains of Chalmette. News of the peace treaty did not reach the combats until February. People say it was the greatest American land victory of the War of 1812.