War of 1812

  • battle of tippacanoe

    it was between americans and indians and the americans won
  • USA Declares war

    they declared war to stop seizing ships when trading with france.
  • battle of queenston heights

    The battle was fought as the result of an American attempt to establish a foothold on the Canadian side of the Niagara River before campaigning ended with the onset of winter. The decisive battle was the culmination of a poorly-managed American offensive and may be most historically significant for the loss of the British commander.
  • battle of frenchtown

    USA tried to take over a part of detroit and the next day the native americans sneak attacked them.
  • Period: to

    Siege of fort meigs

    british and a little bit of indians attempted to capture the new fort USA built. and British failed
  • battle of sackets harbor

    british swam across lake ontario and tried to capture a town and USA was waiting there with 12 warships and british ended up leaving
  • battle of thames

    battle of thames
    in upper canada british lost control over ontario
  • capture of fort niagara

    british took america by surprise by sneak attacking them
  • battle of lundys lane

    one of the bloodiest battles with over 1.2k killed and it was at present day niagara falls.
  • battle of bladensburg

    in maryland british captured and burned down washington
  • burning of washington

    the same night as battle of bladensburg british burned and looted all of washington dc.
  • Bombardment of Fort McHenry

    someone wrote the star spangled banner
  • treaty of ghent

    the peace treaty that ended the war of 1812
  • fort michilimackinac surrenders to the british

    British tried to capture fort michilimackinac and USA came back and took it back