War of 1812 bshdbggf

War of 1812

  • Hulls proclamation

    Hulls proclamation
    General William Hull initiated the first military campaign of the War of 1812, calling for and attempting an invasion of Canada. Sadly, it failed. Hull assumed that the Canadians would side with American forces against the British. That proved to be wrong. Soon after marching his troops across the border, he retreated, surrendering in Detroit on July 16. (British/Canadians won)
  • Seige of Fort Detroit (Brock and Tecumseh)

    Seige of Fort Detroit (Brock and Tecumseh)
    Sir Isaac Brock and Tecumseh crossed the Detroit River and laid siege to Fort Detroit. The next day, Brock demanded Hull's surrender and said that if they fought, he would not be able to hold back his native allies. Hull first refused. Brock then started to bombard the fort with cannons. Hull stayed inside the fort for another day, unable to decide what to do. He finally sent his son out under the flag of truce to ask for terms of surrender. (British won)
  • Battle Of Queenston Heights

    Battle Of Queenston Heights
    The British lost one their important leaders, Isaac Brock. (British Won)
  • Battle of Raisin River

    Battle of Raisin River
    The forces of the United States and Britain fought for the control of Michigan and the Lower Great Lakes. (British Won)
  • Battle of York

    Battle of York
    America Won,
  • Laura Secord: Warning

    Laura Secord: Warning
    Laura Secord heard that the Americans intended to surprise the British outpost at Beaver Dams and capture Lieutenant James FitzGibbon. Laura walked 20 miles to warn of the attack. Two days later, on June 24, 1813, an American force under Colonel Charles Boerstler was ambushed near Beaver Dams by around 400 Indians. FitzGibbon then persuaded Boerstler to surrender with 462 men to his own 50 men. (British Won)
  • Battle of Lake Erie

    Battle of Lake Erie
    One of the biggest naval battles of the War. Nine U.S. vessels captured six ships of Great Britain’s Navy. (US won)
  • Battle of Chateauguay

     Battle of Chateauguay
    Lt. Colonel Charles de Salaberry met and beat Hamtons large force, making the southern invaders go back to their base in the U.S. (Canadians/British won)
  • Battle of Cryslers Farms

    Battle of Cryslers Farms
    British won. Was a very important moment in the history of Upper Canada. It ended the most serious attempt (to that time) to invade Canada.
  • The Battle of Chippewa

    The Battle of Chippewa
    It was the first time in the war that forces from both nations faced each other across an open field, in a major action. (US won)
  • The Battle of Plattsburgh

    The Battle of Plattsburgh
    Was the turning point in the war. (US won)